Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Law and order meeting in Kaokhali: UPDF raises question about administration’s neutrality

THE United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF) has raised questions about neutrality of the local administration in Kaokhali.

At a review meeting on law and order held today at the Hall Room of the Kaokhali Upazila office, UPDF representative Aongay Marma accused the local administration of being biased in favor of the settlers.

“You have arrested the Jummas only, and not a single Bengali settler has been arrested although scores of them were involved in the beating of innocent people and in the burning down of our party office.” he said.

He also held the army and police responsible for the spread of violence yesterday.

“The police were there and above all the police camp is just a stone throw from UPDF office and yet, when the settlers came in a procession to attack it, the police did nothing to prevent them.” Aongay told the meeting.

“The police just stood in silence and let the mob set fire to the office.” he added.

In his speech, he also pointed out the one-sided remarks of the Awami League and BNP leaders saying, such attempts to gloss over the crime and save the culprits would not resolve anything.

Aongay Marma, also president of the Hill Students Council, said his party would not accept the report of the inquiry committee, formed yesterday to probe the incident, if it is not objective and neutral.

The law and order review meeting was also attended, among ogthers, by Kaokhali Upazila chairman Aungsha Prue Chowdhury, Kaokhali Upazila Nirbahi Officer Abu Dawat Golam Mostafa, Rangamati Region Commander Brig. Gen. Nazim Uddin, Ghagra Zone Commander Lt. Col. Hassan, 2-IC of Ghagra Zone Major Hamid, Captain Nazmul, Kaokhali Thana OC Shyamal
Kanti Barua and leaders from local BNP and AL.

Aongay Marma protested Brig. Gen. Nazim Uddin’s remark that students should not involve themselves in politics.

Bangladesh would not have born today if the students had kept away from politics.” Aongay said in reference to the General’s remarks.

Later, Brig. Gen. Nazim changed his statement, saying “What I meant was that the main duty of a student should be study. I did not say that students should not do politics.”
Source : chtnews.com

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