Friday, February 25, 2011

Borkha-army attack PCP-HWF meeting in Bormachari

ABOUT 30 people have been reportedly injured when a reception hosted by the Hill Student’s Council (PCP) and Hill Women’s Federation (HWF) came under attack in Bormachari under Khagrachari district.

The reception was meant for those who came out successful in the last JSC and school exams in Laxmichari.

The PCP and HWF were about to begin their programme at 11:45am today when two Borkha Party terrorists backed by a group of army personnel carried out the attack.

The Borkha members were themselves carrying firearms.

“Two Borkha members – Anukko Chakma and Bilash Chakma – came up to us and dared to tell us to stop the programme. When we strongly protested, they hit one of us, and then we hit back.” HWF general secretary Konika Dewan, who was present during the attack, said.

“At this point the army intervened on behalf of the Borkha members and beat anyone they could lay their hands on.” she added.

The army rescued the Borkha members and took them to a safer place.

Konika said about 30 people were hurt. Two of them have been identified as Dr. Protul Chakma of village Moddyom Bormachari and Promod Chakma from Dewan Para.

In Laxmichari, the army and police halted a group of cultural activists including young girls who was scheduled to perform at the reception.

“They – eight of them – are now being held in Laxmichari police station.” Kyola Ching Marma, a PCP leader, told

The group, led by Tapas Tripura, was coming from Khagrachari in the morning.

Another report adds: the army also blocked at Shuknachari two jeeps carrying about 60 participants of the reception.

They were coming from Sumonto Para and Jotindra Karbari Para.

The PCP president Aongay Marma has condemned the attack and urged the government to disband the Borkha Party.

The Borkha Party was formed by army in 2009 to counter the growing influence of the UPDF.

Since then the Borkha members have been engaged in extortion, robbery, kidnapping and other crimes.

The army also regularly uses them to foil democratic programmes of the UPDF and its front organisations.
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