Sunday, February 20, 2011

Four PCP leaders arrested in Naniachar

THE army has arrested four leaders of the Hill Students Council (PCP) in Naniachar as boycott of classes in schools and colleges is being enforced in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

The PCP has called the boycott to press its demand for the right to primary education in the national minorities’ own languages.

The PCP leaders were arrested from Naniachar Bazaar at 10am, said Bilash Chakma, president of PCP Rangamati District unit.

They were on their way to Naniachar College to picket when a group of army personnel from Naniachar zone picked them up.

The arrested PCP leaders are Anil Chakma, general secretary of PCP Naniachar college unit, Shuddha Dhan Chakma, secretary for culture and literature, Miton Chakma, finance secretary, and Noren Chakma, member of PCP Naniachari Upazila unit.

PCP president Aongay Marma condemned the arrest and demanded their immediate and unconditional release.
Source :

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