Monday, February 28, 2011

Two Jummas tortured by army in Naniachar

TWO Jumma villagers have been tortured in Naniachar under Rangamati district.

Sources said a group of 25 – 30 army personnel from Naniachar zone conducted a raid in Tripurachari village on 27 February.

They surrounded the village the whole night, and while they were on their way to another village – Sonaram Karbari Para – at 9am today they came across two villagers, Shanti Chakma, 32, son of Raj Mohan Chakma and his brother Bimal Kanti Chakma, 25.

They are from Sonaram Karbai Para village, woodcutters by profession and were on their way to work.

The soldiers caught the two brothers and then separated them for interrogation.

Shanti Chakma was taken to one side and was asked to show the army his gun and to tell how many of them were with his group.

When Shanti said he was innocent, the army began to beat him with sticks.

At this point, he somehow managed to run away.

The soldiers then vent their anger on his brother, Bimal Kanti Chakma. They tied his hands behind his back and beat him mercilessly.

He was released later but was ordered to present himself at Joropya Para army camp tomorrow taking Shanti Chakma with him.

The army threatened to re-arrest him if he failed to do so.

Bimal Kanti Chakma bore torture marks on his body, sources said, and added that the soldiers had stayed in the village till 6pm today.
Source :

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Borkha Party attempts to kidnap Jumma businessman

THE military-backed Borkha Party terrorists made an unsuccessful attempt to kidnap a Jumma businessman from Nanupur bazaar in Fatikchari, a UPDF press release says

It said eight to ten Borkha Party terrorists led by Dev Ranjan Chakma on 24 February had attempted to kidnap Suresh Kanti Chakma alias Kanti, a Jumma businessman from Bormachari, from in front of Pubali Bank in Nanupur Bazaar under Fatikchari Upazila.

Mr. Suresh went to Nanupur on business.

The terrorists dragged him into a microbus. However, he was able to escape with the help of the local Bengali people, who captured some of the terrorists.

Later, Anil Chama, the ringleader of the terrorist group, contacted Laxmichari zone commander Lt. Col. Salauddin Al Murad to request him to intervene with the Bengali elders in Nanupur to secure the release of his men.

Then, instructed by Laxmichari zone commander, the Khiram camp commander Major Muhit phoned Nanupur UP chairman and pressured him to release the Borkha terrorists.

And the chairman succumbed to his pressure, and finally the Bengalis were compelled to release the terrorists.

Organiser of UPDF’s Laxmichari unit, Shukla Chakma in a statement expressed deep concern over the incident and said: “It is very regrettable that on the one hand the army is terrorizing the common people as well as other democratic organizations, and on the other, it is protecting and patronizing the most wanted terrorists, murderers
and kidnappers.”

Shukla Chakma urged the government to bring the Borkha Party terrorists to justice for their crimes, including the murder of UPDF leader Rui Khoi Marma.
Source :

Friday, February 25, 2011

Army urged not to patronize Borkha Party

THE Committee for Resistance Against Borkha Party has urged the Laxmichari zone commander to stop patronizing the Borkha Party which it says is responsible for the murder of Rui Khoi Marma, a UPDF leader.

In a leaflet issued today, Friday, the CRAB accused Lt. Col. Salah Uddin Al Murad, commander of Laxmichari zone in Khagrachari district, of openly supporting the Borkha Party terrorists.

It detailed the actions that the army and Borkha Party members had taken up jointly to intimidate the people in Bormachari area.

“It is now clear that the army is trying to pit the Borkha men against the people of Bormachari. The army wants that the Jumma people kill each other so that in the meantime it can steal their lands.” the leaflet said.

The CRAB has denounced the Borkha Party members as traitors and enemy of the Jumma nation and called upon the people to organize themselves and resist the Borkhas and boycott them socially and politically.

“No movement can be built up without resisting them, and no rights can be achieved without a movement” it said.
Source :

Borkha-army attack PCP-HWF meeting in Bormachari

ABOUT 30 people have been reportedly injured when a reception hosted by the Hill Student’s Council (PCP) and Hill Women’s Federation (HWF) came under attack in Bormachari under Khagrachari district.

The reception was meant for those who came out successful in the last JSC and school exams in Laxmichari.

The PCP and HWF were about to begin their programme at 11:45am today when two Borkha Party terrorists backed by a group of army personnel carried out the attack.

The Borkha members were themselves carrying firearms.

“Two Borkha members – Anukko Chakma and Bilash Chakma – came up to us and dared to tell us to stop the programme. When we strongly protested, they hit one of us, and then we hit back.” HWF general secretary Konika Dewan, who was present during the attack, said.

“At this point the army intervened on behalf of the Borkha members and beat anyone they could lay their hands on.” she added.

The army rescued the Borkha members and took them to a safer place.

Konika said about 30 people were hurt. Two of them have been identified as Dr. Protul Chakma of village Moddyom Bormachari and Promod Chakma from Dewan Para.

In Laxmichari, the army and police halted a group of cultural activists including young girls who was scheduled to perform at the reception.

“They – eight of them – are now being held in Laxmichari police station.” Kyola Ching Marma, a PCP leader, told

The group, led by Tapas Tripura, was coming from Khagrachari in the morning.

Another report adds: the army also blocked at Shuknachari two jeeps carrying about 60 participants of the reception.

They were coming from Sumonto Para and Jotindra Karbari Para.

The PCP president Aongay Marma has condemned the attack and urged the government to disband the Borkha Party.

The Borkha Party was formed by army in 2009 to counter the growing influence of the UPDF.

Since then the Borkha members have been engaged in extortion, robbery, kidnapping and other crimes.

The army also regularly uses them to foil democratic programmes of the UPDF and its front organisations.
Source :

Thursday, February 24, 2011

PCP holds reception for its released leaders

THE Naniachar unit of the Hill Students Council (PCP) held a reception for its three leaders released from jail.

The released PCP leaders are Anil Chakma, general secretary of PCP Naniachar College unit; Shuddha Dhan Chakma, cultural secretary of the same unit; and Noren Chakma, a member of Naniachari Thana unit.

They were arrested by army from Naniachar bazaar on February 20 while picketing for boycott of classes to press their demand for primary education in ethnic nationalities’ own languages.

The army handed them over to the police who sent them to Rangamati jail after showing them arrested under section 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

However, the Rangamati District Judge’s court on February 22 granted them bail and ordered their release.

Advocate Ushamoy Chakma moved the court on behalf of the PCP leaders.

The reception was held at T & T area today at 4pm with Ripon Chakma, general secretary of PCP Naniachar Thana unit, in the chair.

Bilash Chakma, president of PCP Rangamati District unit, and Bablu Chakma, organizing secretary of the same unit, also spoke on the occasion.

Besides, Anil Chakma and Shuddha Dhan Chakma addressed the gathering on behalf of the released PCP leaders.

They thanked the organizers for welcoming them and vowed to fight for the rights of the Jumma people.

The PCP leaders demanded of the government to end military rule in the CHT and withdraw all the false cases filed against PCP members.
Source :

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lighting thousand candles: Sajek-Khagrachari attack victims remembered

THOUSANDS of candles have been lighted in a number of Buddhist temples throughout the CHT in memory of those killed in deadly communal attacks in Sajek last year.

Hundreds of men and women participated in the ‘Lighting Thousand Candles’ program today called by Sajek Nari Samaj (Sajek Women’s Association).

Today also marks one year since the attack on Jumma residential areas in Khagrachari.

The Khagrachari attack was carried out two days after the Sajek attack, which left at least four Jumma people dead.

The settlers had burnt down 39 houses and business establishments in their brutal attack in Khagrachari.

In Khagrachari, the ‘lighting thousand candle’ was held at Yoongdaw Buddhist temple, Shibli Buddhist temple, Upali Buddhist temple, Dashbal Buddhist temple and Dharmapur Bana Vihar.

Similar programmes were also held in different temples in Panchari, Mahalchari, Dighinala, Guimara, Laxmichari and Ramgarh.

In Rangamati, the program was held in a number of Buddhist temples including Ratnagkur Buddist temple, Shankholapara Binoy Ratna Buddhist temple, Borpulpra Shakyomoni Buddhits temple, South Morachengi Moitree Buddhist temple, Gorjontoli Shakyamuni Buddhist temple, Jagonatoli Chittananda Buddhist temple, Banduk Bhanga Bharbochug Bana Vihar and Likyangchara Buddhist temple.
Source :

Six Jummas tortured in Naniachar

AT least six Jummas have been tortured in Naniachar as hundreds of villagers blocked Khagrachari – Rangamati road at Choudda Mile, protesting a bid to grab land by settlers.

Of the tortured, five are school boys – from Betchari General Somani High School. They were beaten by a group of soldiers from Naniachar zone at 10am.

Their names are Suken Chakma son of Indra Bilash Chakma (class nine); Dipon Chakma son of Sumi Ranjan Chakma (class nine); Refine Chakma son of Tarani Ranjan Chakma (class eight); Intu Chakma son of Ananda Bilash Chakma (class seven); and Rifel Chakma son of Sumati Ranjan Chakma (class eight).

While Suken Chakma is from Hajachari village, the rest four are from Dojor Para.

The army tortured them at Betchari bazaar without reason.

In another incident, the settlers beat Pintu Lal Chakma, 32, son of Pottey Moni Chakma at Betchari.

The incident took place at 12 noon when Pintu was on his way to Maischari to visit his father-in-law.

He was traveling on foot as no vehicles were plying on Rangamati – Khagrachari road owing to the road blockade programme.

The settlers also took away a mobile hand set, money and clothes from him.

Organiser of UPDF Rangamati district unit, Alakesh Chakma and Democratic Youth Forum convener Mithun Chakma condemned the beating of the innocent Jummas and demanded that the government stops land grabbing in Chouddha Mile and elsewhere in the CHT and returns those already taken away.

They said the ultra communal elements in the army and settlers are plotting to push the CHT towards instability and conflict.

They urged all the peace loving citizens to remain on guard against it.
Source :

Road blockade in Rangamati protesting land grab attempt, two arrested

JUMMA villagers in Choiddo Mile have blocked Rangamati – Khagrachari road protesting attempts by settlers to grab lands belonging to a Buddhist temple.

The impromptu road blockade programme began early in the morning today with hundreds of Jumma men and women blocking traffic.

They demand that the government must stop the settlers from trying to capture land belonging to Choiddo Mile Buddhist Temple.

The settlers yesterday piled house building materials on the said land, implying that they want to occupy the land by force.

This move of the settlers was in breach of a deal in which both the Jummas and settlers had agreed to settle the issue under Naniachar UNO’s mediation.

A meeting is scheduled to be held today at the UNO’s office as part of the deal.

However, the Jummas said participation in the meeting is useless since the settlers have already violated the agreement.

Meanwhile, another report says in a bid to break the blockade the army has arrested two Jummas while they were demonstrating on the road.

The arrested are Satyo Chakma, 25, and Sneha Kumar Chakma, 45, son of Pass Ranjan Chakma.
Source :

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Law and order meeting in Kaokhali: UPDF raises question about administration’s neutrality

THE United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF) has raised questions about neutrality of the local administration in Kaokhali.

At a review meeting on law and order held today at the Hall Room of the Kaokhali Upazila office, UPDF representative Aongay Marma accused the local administration of being biased in favor of the settlers.

“You have arrested the Jummas only, and not a single Bengali settler has been arrested although scores of them were involved in the beating of innocent people and in the burning down of our party office.” he said.

He also held the army and police responsible for the spread of violence yesterday.

“The police were there and above all the police camp is just a stone throw from UPDF office and yet, when the settlers came in a procession to attack it, the police did nothing to prevent them.” Aongay told the meeting.

“The police just stood in silence and let the mob set fire to the office.” he added.

In his speech, he also pointed out the one-sided remarks of the Awami League and BNP leaders saying, such attempts to gloss over the crime and save the culprits would not resolve anything.

Aongay Marma, also president of the Hill Students Council, said his party would not accept the report of the inquiry committee, formed yesterday to probe the incident, if it is not objective and neutral.

The law and order review meeting was also attended, among ogthers, by Kaokhali Upazila chairman Aungsha Prue Chowdhury, Kaokhali Upazila Nirbahi Officer Abu Dawat Golam Mostafa, Rangamati Region Commander Brig. Gen. Nazim Uddin, Ghagra Zone Commander Lt. Col. Hassan, 2-IC of Ghagra Zone Major Hamid, Captain Nazmul, Kaokhali Thana OC Shyamal
Kanti Barua and leaders from local BNP and AL.

Aongay Marma protested Brig. Gen. Nazim Uddin’s remark that students should not involve themselves in politics.

Bangladesh would not have born today if the students had kept away from politics.” Aongay said in reference to the General’s remarks.

Later, Brig. Gen. Nazim changed his statement, saying “What I meant was that the main duty of a student should be study. I did not say that students should not do politics.”
Source :

Longudu arson victims now in a state of siege

THE victims of the arson attack in Longudu are now living a subhuman life in a state of siege, said Chonchu Moni Chakma after visiting the place of occurrence.

Mr. Chakma was part of a three-member team from Khagrachari which visited the spot on 19 February.

The other members included Monju Lal Dewan and Nipul Chakma.

The team left Khagrachari on 18 February, one day after the incident, and stayed overnight at Longudu Sadar. The next morning they joined with another team led by Longudu Upazila Nirbahi Officer and visited the place of occurrence.

Chonchu Moni said: “We reached the place of occurrence at 11:30am. We visited the affected villages – Ranjit Karbari Para, Rangi Para and Shanti Nagar Gram – and spoke to the victims.

“They told us that the settlers had carried out the attack with the support of the members of the Border Guards Bangladesh and that the BGB had done nothing to prevent the settlers from looting their houses.

“The victims further accused the BGB of encouraging the settlers to set fire to their houses.”

According to him, a total of 24 houses in three villages have been burnt down. Of these, 19 belong to the Jummas, 3 to the settlers and two are Para Kendra or village centre.

“However, the huts that the settlers claimed their own and burnt were not dwelling houses. These were ‘tong ghar’ or kind of small farm houses, which were rarely used.”

As regards the death of Saber Ali, Chonchu said: “During our visit many Bengali people told us that the death of Saber Ali, which sparked the attack, was not unnatural. He had been suffering from various diseases including high blood pressure. The Jummas were not responsible for his death.

“Many Bengalis told us that they had asked the settlers not to go and attack the Jummas.

“The chairman of Gulchakhali Union, Mr. Abu Taleb said Saber Ali had died a natural death. Yet, a vested interest group had carried out the attack.”

Chonchu added: “When we reached there, we saw many of the victims were without food or shelter. They just ate unripe banana. Now the people of the affected areas are living in a state of siege. If they want to come to Longudu Sadar, they have to pass through Bengali settlements. Therefore, they are now afraid of going out of their villages.”

He said the BGB had set up a temporary camp there. “They set up the camp at Shanti Nagar after uprooting four Jumma families from their homes.” Chonchu said.

The names of those whose land has been grabbed for the camp are Santosh Chakma, Sharat Chandra Chakma, Mongol Dhan Chakma and Nabin Kumar Chakma.
Source :

Monday, February 21, 2011

Burning down of UPDF office in Kaokhali: culprits identified

SOME of those involved in the burning down of the UPDF office in Kaokhali, Rangamati have been identified.

The UPDF office was burnt down by some unruly Bengali students in the morning today.

Witnesses said Md. Sultan was driving his CNG auto rickshaw from Kaokhali bazaar to Shamukchari carrying passengers.

A student of Kaokhali College, named Osman Gani Khandakar, waved his hand signaling the auto rickshaw to halt.

But Sultan defied the signal and drove to Shamukchari to drop his passengers.

When Sultan was coming back to take more passengers (today was market day) Osman stopped his vehicle in front of the college and got into a squabble with him.

When this was going on the college demonstrator, Dipon Chakma, appeared there and began to settle the dispute between them.

At this stage three curious Jumma (Marma) students came there to see what was going on.

Osman did not like it and began to scold them. Then a heated altercation ensued between Osman and the Jumma students.

At one stage, Osman punched one of the Jumma students, who made a counter-attack without delay.

Later, Osman organised his fellow Bengali students and torched the UPDF office.

The office was open but when the Bengalis came to attack, all those present at the office ran away in fear.

All important documents and the office furnisher were burnt in the blaze.

Some of those involved in the attack have been identified as Osman Gani, Mohammad Ali, Shipon, Rubel, Shohag, Anwarul, Zainal, Abdullah, Akhtar and Shohel.

The Bengali students also attacked some other Jumma people who came to bazzar and tried to create a communal riot.

Some of those tortured are Rechi Marma, 50, son of Thoi Aung Marma of village Harangi Para, Thoia Aung Marma, 45, of village Kochu Khali, Paithu Marma, 60, wife of Ula Aung Marma of village Ghilachari.

Of them, Rechi Marma is now under treatment at Kaokhali Hospital. The rest have been released after first aid.

After the incident the Upazila administration called an emergency meeting in which a three-member UPDF team led by PCP president Aongay Marma was also present.

The meeting, held at 2:30pm, was also attended by Kaokhali UNO Golam Mostafa, Ghagra zone commander Hassan, OC Shyamal Kanti Barua, Kaokhali Upazila chairman Aungsha Prue Chowdhury, vice chairman Arjun Moni Chakma, Ghagra UP chairman Md. Khokan, Kalampati UP chairman Kyajai Marma and district council member Aungsa Prue Marma.

The UPDF team narrated the incident and urged the local authorities to take action against the attackers.

All those present at the meeting regretted the attack on the UPDF office, but the authorities including the police failed to commit themselves to taking action against those involved in the attack.

UPDF leader Shanti Dev Chakma condemned the attack on their office and the innocent Jumma people and urged the local administration to bring the culprits to justice.
Sourcce :

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Arrested Jumma students released in Subholong

THE three high school students arrested from a wedding ceremony in Subholong have been released, sources say.

Sumon Chakma, Ujwal Chakma, and Shubho Chakma were released at 4pm today, after about four hours of their arrest in the village of Shilar Dak.

They have been handed over to the village elders who contacted Subholong army camp immediately after the arrest.

One of the elders who met the camp authority said the army had told them that the students were arrested on suspicion.
Source :

Three Jumma students arrested in Subholong

THREE Jumma students have been arrested in Subholong in Rangamati district, sources say.

A group of army personnel led by Lt. Mashud Rana (36 Bengal) from Subholong camp raided the village of Shilar Dak in Ward No. 1 at noon and picked them up from a wedding ceremony.

The arrestees are Sumon Chakma, 14, son of Bimal Chakma, an eighth grade student of Noadam Junior High School in Bandukbhanga; Ujwal Chakma, 14, son of Sadhan Chakma, also a class eight student of Barunachari High School in Subholong; and Shubho Chakma, 17, son of Mahabahu Chakma, a class ten student of Kattoli High School, Longudu.

They were helping the organisers of the wedding ceremony when they army arrested them.

They have been taken to Subholong camp after the arrest.

On their way back to the camp the soldiers came across four Jumma woodcutters and took away their Dhamas (cutting implements) from them.

They were cutting “permit trees” when the incident took place.

The names of those whose dhamas have been taken away are Subhash Chakma, Kalaya Chakma, Guri Mohan Chakma and Lambaya Chakma.
Source :

Village chief arrested in Kudukchari

A Karbari or village chief has been arrested in Kudukchari as the army tries to put pressure on the Jumma elders to observe Ekushey February tomorrow, sources say.

Ram Karbari, 42, son of Nil Barno Chakma was arrested by army from a Buddhist temple in Chouddo Mile where he was attending a religious event marking Maghi Purnima or full moon day.

Mr. Ram is the Karbari of the village of Suridas Karbari Para in Kudukchari, Rangamati district.

“Today is market day for Kudukchari bazaar, and the military is highly active in this area.” UPDF leader Alakesh Chakma said.

He said the army was driving the people, especially Bengali traders, away from Kudukchari bazaar as an apparent counter-measure against the boycott of Naniachar bazaar by Jumma people.

The army called the elders including the local chairmen and teachers to Kudukchari camp and ordered them to observe Ekushey February or International Mother Language Day tomorrow.

“You must observe Ekushey February. If you don’t, your MPO (monthly payment order) will be held up.” one army commander is reported to have told the meeting.

The Hill Students Council, a front organisation of the United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF), has called for a boycott of the celebration
of the day.

PCP says it will stay away from the celebration and will refrain from placing wreath at the altars of Shaheed Minar as a mark of protest against government failure to introduce primary education in the ethnic nationalities’ own languages.
Source :

Four PCP leaders arrested in Naniachar

THE army has arrested four leaders of the Hill Students Council (PCP) in Naniachar as boycott of classes in schools and colleges is being enforced in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

The PCP has called the boycott to press its demand for the right to primary education in the national minorities’ own languages.

The PCP leaders were arrested from Naniachar Bazaar at 10am, said Bilash Chakma, president of PCP Rangamati District unit.

They were on their way to Naniachar College to picket when a group of army personnel from Naniachar zone picked them up.

The arrested PCP leaders are Anil Chakma, general secretary of PCP Naniachar college unit, Shuddha Dhan Chakma, secretary for culture and literature, Miton Chakma, finance secretary, and Noren Chakma, member of PCP Naniachari Upazila unit.

PCP president Aongay Marma condemned the arrest and demanded their immediate and unconditional release.
Source :

Saturday, February 19, 2011

UPDF marks one year since Sajek attacks

THE United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF) has marked one year since the gruesome attack on Jumma villages in Sajek that left at least four Jummas dead and nearly five hundred houses burnt.

The UPDF today staged a candle light vigil in Khagrachari in commemoration of the victims. (photo attached)

Sajek Nari Samaj was also scheduled to hold a discussion in Sajek to mark the day, but the army prevented them.

About 200 people attended the candle light vigil, which was held in front of UPDF office at Swanirbhor at 6:30pm.

UPDF leaders Ujwal Smriti Chakma and Kalo Priyo Chakma made brief speeches at the gathering.

They expressed their anger at the failure of the government to punish those responsible for the violent attack that evoked national and international condemnation.

“It’s been one year since the attack took place, and yet the culprits have not been made to face justice.” Ujwal said.

“This is such failures on the part of the government, such blanket impunity given to the attackers, which encourages further attacks on Jumma people.” he said referring to the recent attack in Longudu.

The Sajek attacks carried out jointly by army and Bengali settlers on 19 and 20 February last year had left four Jummas dead and nearly five hundred houses burnt.

The government even failed to form an inquiry committee to probe the incident, let alone bring the culprits to book.

One year on, the Jummas in Sajek still live in atmosphere of fear and insecurity, while the army continues to intimidate them.

The Sajek attack was followed by similar attacks in Khagrachari town on 23 February.

Several Jumma houses were burnt down in the organised attack.
Source :

Army tortures more Jummas in Kudukchari

DOZENS more Jummas have been tortured by army in Kudukchari, Rangamati, sources say.

A group of army personnel from Kudukchari camp raided Khamar Para village in Sapchari at 9:30am today and beat up ten Jumma villagers.

The torture victims are Mongol Das Chakma, 20, son of Koilash Das Chakma, Rupayan Chakma, 25, son of Dharma Chandra Chakma, Tongo Moni Chakma, 45, son of Batya Chakma, Sonaiey Chakma, 17, son of Oro Moni Chakma, Mintu Chakma, 18, son of Kala Ram Chakma, Priti Moy Chakma, 30, son of Binoy Bhushan Chakma, Biton Chakma, 18, son of Moni Chakma,
Mongol Raj Chakma, 22, son of Tuttro Chakma, Kishto Raja Chakma, 30, son of Tuttro Chakma and Jamini Chakma, 40.

In a similar raid in the village of Kudukchari Uparpara the army beat up whoever they came across.

Two of their torture victims have been identified as Bhagyo Dhan Chakma, 27, son of Purno Kumar Chakma and Bhadra Sen Chakma alias Phoriya, 22, son of Chondo Chakma.

Panicked, the villagers fled in every direction.

The soldiers then entered the house of Kandor Singh Chakma, the village chief, and took away seven pairs of Burgi (homemade sheets of clothes) from him.

They also broke into the house of Rabi Chandra Chakma in the village and took away four energy saving bulbs.

In an overnight raid last night in the village of Kudukchari Moddyo Para the army tortured five Jumma people.

They are Ranga Chan Chakma son of Chandu Chakma (He is from Naraichari, Dighinala and came to the village to visit his relatives), Sajib Chakma, 22, son of Surendra Lal Chakma, Bandojya Chakma, 25, son of Buddha Charan Chakma, Meghnad Chakma, 32, son of Kripa Dhan Chakma and Nipon Chakma, 17, son of Kripa Dhan Chakma.

The army also carried out a raid in Headman Para village and beat up four persons. (Please read news No. 23)

According to Alakesh Chakma, a UPDF leader in Kudukchari, about one hundred Jummas were tortured for participating in his party’s rally organised yesterday to protest the 17-February settler attacks on two Jumma villages in Longudu.

At least five shops belonging to the Jumma people in Kudukchari bazaar have been looted and damaged, he said.

He further said the army had raided and ransacked the UPDF office yesterday.

“The army pulled down the signboard of the UPDF office, destroyed a computer, a hand mike and a shelf, and then took away all the valuable party documents.” he added.

Of the torture victims, HWF leader Bipasha Chakma was admitted to a hospital in Chittagong.

Her condition has been stated to be critical.

A half-day blockade of roads and waterways called by UPDF is being enforced today.

The army arrested five Jummas during its crackdown on the UPDF demonstration yesterday and handed them over to the police.

The arrested Jummas are Barendra Chakma, 32, son of Somacharan Chakma of village Khamar Para, Sapchari (He is an auto rickshaw CNG driver), Rup Moni Chakma, 25, son of Thangulo Chakma of village Khamar Para (He is also a CNG driver), Joybo Chakma, 32, son of Udolya Chakma of village Chongrachari (He is a sweeper at Kudukchari bazaar), Gyana Lal Chakma, 32, son of Juronto Kumar Chakma of village Langel Para, Ghilachari and Shubho Dwip Chakma, 15, son of late Nigira Dhan Chakma (He is a student of class nine in Ghilachari High School).
Source :

BGB complicity in the Longudu arson attack alleged

JUMMA leaders in Longudu have alleged that members of the Border Guards Bangladesh were complicit in the arson attacks on two Jumma villages on 17 February.

They made the allegation while speaking to a team of journalists who visited Longudu yesterday, Friday.

The following report has been prepared on the basis of a communication from one of the four journalists who visited the place of occurrence.

A. Origin of the incident
On 15 February, two settler Bengalis – Saber Ali and Md. Shahid – from Rahamatpur village under Gulchakhali Union of Longudu Upazila in Rangamati district went to a nearby jungle in Gulchakhali area to collect Phuljharu (Mio in Chakma).

While Md. Shahid returned from work, Saber Ali did not. On Wednesday morning, his lifeless body was found lying on Rangipara road.

The settlers blamed the Jummas for his death although they failed to provide any kind of evidence in support of their claim, and on Thursday, 17 February, the Sama Odhikar Andolon, a platform of the settler Bengalis, staged a demonstration at Longudu Upazila headquarters chanting anit-Jumma slogans.

The settlers also beat up two Jumma students – Apilo Chakma, 20, of Shijokmukh village in Baghaichari and Mongolaion Chakma, 15, of Simana Para villae in Barkal. They were admitted to Rangamati Sadar Hospital with serious wounds.

In the evening of Thursday, 17 February, the settlers attacked two villages – Ranjitpara in Gulchakhali Union and Rangipara in Bogachotor Union.

The settlers beat up Shukra Chakma and his wife during the attack in Rangipara. Their daughter’s wedding ceremony was scheduled to take place the following day. It was foiled.

According to Sukho Moy Chakma, former chairman of Longudu Sadar Union, and Mongol Kanti Chakma, incumbent chairman of Attarokchara union, the settlers set 22 houses belonging to the Jumma people afire. The settlers were also engaged in widespread looting.

They said a team of BGB (Border Guards Bangladesh) personnel arrived at Rangipara when they knew of the beating of the two Jummas. The settlers had not set fire to the houses by then.

“As soon as the BGB men reached the spot, the settlers began to set fire to the houses.” they added.

At least 22 houses and a BRAC-run school have been burnt to ashes.

B. Name of those whose houses were torched


1. Singha Moni Chakma, 45, son of Atendra Chakma, properties worth Taka 50 thousand were damaged or looted.
2. Doya Moy Chakma, 60, son of late Jagulukya Chakma, properties worth Taka 60 thousand were damaged or looted.
3. Swapan Chakma, 35, son of Kshetra Mohan Chakma, properties worth Taka 250,000 were damaged or looted.
4. Basanti Lata Chakma, 60, w/o late Gyana Ratan Chakma, properties worth Taka 70 thousand were damaged or looted.
5. Sneha Kumar Chakma, 26, son of Ranjit Chakma, properties worth Taka 50 thousand were damaged or looted.
6. Milon Chakma, 35, son of Ranjit Chakma, properties worth Taka 100 thousand were damaged or looted.
7. Montu Chakma, 45, son of Sumoti Kumar Chakma, properties worth Taka 100 thousand were damaged or looted.
8. Bimal Kanti Chakma, 45, son of late Birendra Chakma, properties worth Taka 100 thousand were damaged or looted.
9. Gyana Lal Chakma, 45, son of Kali Charan Chakma, properties worth Taka 70 thousand were damaged or looted.
10. Chandu Chakma, 35, son of Mon Mohan Chakma, properties worth Taka 150 thousand were damaged or looted.
11. Mon Mohan Chakma, 65, son of Jonmojoy Chakma, properties worth Taka 200 thousand were damaged or looted.
12. Priti Moy Chakma, 35, son of Box Chakma, properties worth Taka 100 thousand were damaged or looted.
13. Sona Ram Chakma, 52, son of late Kebol Chandra Chakma, properties worth Taka 50 thousand were damaged or looted.
14. Shambhu Ranjan Chakma, 50, son of Baro Bandhu Chakma, properties worth Taka 70 thousand were damaged or looted.
15. Shushil Kumar Chakma, 35, son of late Badsha Dhan Chakma, properties worth Taka 60 thousand were damaged or looted.
16. Binoy Chakma, 28, son of late Badsha Dhan Chakma, properties worth Taka 50 thousand were damaged or looted.
17. Sukho Moy Chakma, 35, son of Rajeeb Chandra Chakma, properties worth Taka 60 thousand were damaged or looted.
18. Buddha Dhan Chakma, 33, son of Modon Kumar Chakma, properties worth Taka 50 thousand were damaged or looted.
19. A BRAC school.

1. Shukra Chakma, 50, son of late Pradeep Chandra Chakma, properties worth Taka 200 thousand were damaged or looted.
2. Omiyo Kanti Chakma, 45, son of late Dhirendra Chakma, properties worth Taka 200 thousand were damaged or looted.
3. Amalendu Chakma, 40, son of Baro Bandhu Chakma, properties worth Taka 150 thousand were damaged or looted.
4. Ripon Chakma, 28, son of Ramesh Chandra Chakma, properties worth Taka 80 thousand were damaged or looted.

C. Law and order meeting
On Friday, a meeting was held at Longudu Upazila Parishad Auditorium to review the law and order situation of the area.

At the meeting, an inquiry committee was constituted with Longudu Upazila Nirbahi Officer, A. F. M. Fazle Rabbi as its head to probe the incident. The committee will submit its findings within 15 days.

The other members of the inquiry committee included vice chairman of Longudu Upazila Md. Janey Alam, chairman of Gulchakhali Union Council Abu Taleb, president of Longudu Upazila Awami League Abdul Barek Sarkar, chairman of Attarok Chara Union Parishad Mongol Kanti Chakma, chairman of Longudu Sadar Union Shuko Moy Chakma and Binoy Karbari.
Source :

Friday, February 18, 2011

Army raid in Kudukchari

THE army is conducting raids and searches in a number of Jumma villages in Kudukchari including Headmanpara, latest reports say.

The raids began after nightfall today and are still ongoing (10pm).

At least four persons have reportedly been tortured in Headmanpara village. They are Shukra Raj Chakma, 40, Jyana Raj Chakma, 38, Birendra Chakma alias Jamuro, 30, and Shanti Prio Chakma.

Of them, Shukra Raj and Gyana Raj were arrested and taken away, while the other two have been left behind after beating.

In Kudukchari Moddya Para village three Jummas -- Sajeeb Chakma, Bandojya Chakma and Meghnad Chakma -- have been reportedly tortured.

They were at a tea shop when the army came and beat them.

Huge number of army personnel also took position at different locations in Kudukchari and camped at Kudukchari Residential School, sources said.
Source :

Army search and ransack Buddhist temple in Kaokhali

ARMY have searched and ransacked a Buddhist temple in Dulupara under Fatikchari Union in Kaokhali Upazila, sources say.

An eyewitness told that a group of army personnel numbering 30 – 35 from Khiram and Shuknachari camps raided Dulupara village at 10am today and searched the village temple.

The soldiers, led by Lt. Akbar Hossain, commander of Shuknachari camp, also broke the temple doors, he added.

Some 4 – 5 Borkha Party thugs accompanied the army during the raid.

The army men also swore loudly at Parimal Chakma, 50, the owner of a teashop in the village.
Source :

UPDF office sealed in Kudukchari

THE Rangamati unit office of the United People’s Democratic Front at Kudukchari has been sealed off, sources in UPDF say.

The move comes on the heels of a protest rally held today at Kudukchari bazaar against a settler attack on Jumma villages in Longudu.

UPDF leader Shanti Dev Chakma has condemned the government action as “undemocratic, fascist and contrary to constitutional as well as fundamental rights”.

In a statement he further said “no amount of repression and conspiracy can subdue the just struggle” of the Jumma people.

Before sealing off, the army took away valuable party documents, books, hand mike etc from the office.

Previously, the government also shut down three branch offices of the UPDF at Rajstali, Naniachar and Belaichari.
Source :

Jumma girl raped in Chittagong

A TEENAGE Jumma girl has been raped in a residential hotel in
Chittagong, says.


It said the incident had taken place at Diamond Residential Hotel at Bahaddarhat on 16 February.

Without mentioning the name of the victim, the internet site said on Wednesday she went to Chittagong with her uncle on a holiday and checked in Diamond Hotel (room No. 7).

After midnight Alamgir, the owner of the hotel, and his manager entered the room, tied the girl’s uncle and then raped her.

The rapists also took away three mobile phone sets, a pair of golden earrings and a necklace worth Taka 70,000 and cash Taka four thousand from them.

It further adds that the rapists had videoed the rape incident on a mobile phone, and threatened to make it public unless Taka 50 thousand was paid to them.

The next day, at noon, they were released.

On reaching home, the girl informed her father, Mra Thoai Marma, about what had happened, and on Thursday filed an FIR (First Information Report) with Bandarban police station.

Officer-in-charge of Bandarban police station, Jahangir Alam, said since the incident took place in Chittagong he registered a general diary only and sent a request to Chandgao Thana (in Chittagong) to institute a regular case in connection with the said rape incident.
Source :

UPDF holds demonstrations against Longudu attack, calls for road blockade

DEMONSTRATIONS have been held in Rangamati, Khagrachari and Dhaka in protest against the yesterday’s settler attack on Jumma villages in Longudu, Rangamati.

A Hill Women’s Federation leader has been badly hurt when members of the Village Defense Party (VDP) attacked a UPDF demonstration in Kudukchari, Rangamati. The army also arrested a young student demonstrator, UPDF leaders said.

The protest demonstrations were held after the Hill Students Council postponed its student rally for right to primary education in ethnic nationalities’ own languages scheduled to be held today.

UPDF has called for a half-day road and waterways blockade for tomorrow in Rangamati district.

Ms Bipasha Chakma, a HWF leader, was injured when the VDP personnel attacked a demonstration without provocation in Kudukchari. She has been admitted to a hospital in Chittagong.

The VDPs also took part in widespread lootings in Kudukchari bazaar.

Hundreds of people attended the UPDF rally that began at 11am. A procession followed the rally at 12 noon.

When the procession reached Kudukchari Bridge the VDPs attacked it, injuring Bipasha seriously. She sustained injuries in her head.

The military and VDP personnel also raided and ransacked the UPDF office and took away all the documents from there.

They also looted a furnisher shop belonging to Ram Prashad Chakma, three grocery shops belonging to Swadhin Chandra Chakma, Akshoy Chandra Chakma and Shanti Ranjan Chakma and smashed Dipti Digital Studio.

The army broke into and searched the house of Shonkatish Barua, and snatched a mobile hand set from Kiron Dhar, his tenant.

Dipon Chakma, a class nine student, was also arrested during the raid.

Road blockade
The UPDF has called for a blockade of roads and waterways in Rangamati district for tomorrow to protest the Longudu attack. The call was made from Kudukchari rally.

The blockade will last from 6am till 2pm. However, ambulances, fire service, vehicles supplying emergency life saving drugs and carrying media persons will be exempt from the blockade.

Peoples on their way to attend a protest rally were stopped at various points in Khagrachari.

The army and police stopped 4 jeeps at Matiranga, 3 in Bhaibone Chara and 2 in Zero Mile. The jeeps were carrying UPDF supporters.

Huge contingents of army and police were also deployed at different locations of Khagrachari town including Swanirbhor area.

They ordered all the owners of decoration shops not to sell their services to the UPDF.

Despite such hindrances, the UPDF took out a procession from Khabangpujjya and held a rally at Kashem’s Saw Mill area.

President of Democratic Youth Forum Khagrachari district unit Remin Chakma, vice president of PCP central committee Kyala Ching Marma and president of PCP Khagrachari district unit Apruchi Marma addressed the rally.

Terming the attacks on Jumma villages in Longude as despicable, they said the ultra-communalist forces use every single pretext -- right or wrong – to mount attacks on Jumma people. The Longudu attack followed the set pattern.

The leaders directed scathing criticism at the role of the local administration, saying the Border Guards Bangladesh personnel had in fact provided support to the settlers instead of dissuading them.

The settlers set 24 houses including a Unicef-run Para Kendra (village centre) on fire, they alleged.

Protest demonstrations were also held at Muktangon in Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh.

The Hill Students Council organised these demos.
Source :

Settlers attack Jumma village in Longudu

THE settlers have attacked a Jumma village in Longudu in Rangamati district.

Sources said hundreds of Bengali settlers attacked Rangipara village in at 6pm at the end of a rowdy demonstration with the dead body of a settler today.

The circumstances in which the settler was killed could not be known. Some allege that he was kidnapped and killed by armed miscreants yesterday.

However, a UP chairman, who wished not to be named, said the deceased was suffering from epilepsy. On the day he died he went to collect firewood near his village of Rangipara.

The attackers set a number of houses ablaze and carried out widespread lootings.

Before the attack the settlers took out a procession carrying the dead body, and the local administration did nothing to protect the Jummas.

The Border Guards Bangladesh (formerly, Bangladesh Rifles, BDR) did nothing to stop the attackers, Jummas alleged.

Jummas in Tintila, Manekjor Chara and Boradom have fled their homes in fear. These villages are situated near settler villages.

Mr. Chironjeet Talukder, headman of Guichari Mouza, could not say how many houses have been burnt down.

“The first house set on fire belongs to Shukra Chakma. Jummas are trying to defend the remaining houses and facing off the settlers.” he said.

He said gun shots were heard from Gulchakhali, a settler area. Tensions are running high.

The UPDF has condemned the attack and urged the government to bring the attackers to justice.

UPDF will hold protest demonstrations tomorrow, Shanti Dev Chakma said.

JSS (Santu) rally
Another report says the RC chairman and JSS Santu faction president Santu Larma is reportedly in Baghaihat at the moment. He is scheduled to attend a rally at Longudu tomorrow.

His armed gangs today kidnapped two Jummas -- Dharash Chakma and Karion Chakma of Baghaichari -- from Longudu.

However they were released on payment of a Taka 125,000 ransom.

Their relatives received them at Shizokmukh, a Santu group stronghold.

The murderer of Hamidul, the fisherman whose dead body was found floating on Kaptai lake water on 4 February, has been identified as Mohammad Salam son of Sekander of Tila No. 18 in Burighat.

The settlers tried to use the incident to fan communal tension in the area and held a rally on 8 February.

The settlers also filed a case against some UPDF leaders and local people in connection with his murder.

The police tried to arrest Salam yesterday but he was able to run away, a UP member told
Source :

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Settlers seize bunches of banana in Bogachari

THE settlers have seized bunches of bananas from a Jumma in Bogachari under Naniachar Upazila.

Sources said Ranga Kumar Chakma, 25, son of Hari Lal Chakma from Joropya Para village was carrying 20 bunches of banana in a jeep (chatta metro Kha – 3037) for sale at Ghilachari bazaar today.

When the jeep reached Bogachari the settlers stopped it and then seized the bananas.

The settlers also warned that they will not allow Ghilachari and Kudukchari bazaars to be open and let the Jummas sell their goods, if Naniachar bazaar is not opened.

The Jummas have begun boycotting Naniachar bazaar to press their demand for the withdrawal of a false case filed in connection of the death of a Bengali fisherman.
Source :

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No demonstration permitted in Jurachari: Major Shaharier Iqbal

THE army has prevented the Democratic Youth Forum from staging a demonstration in Jurachari.

The DYF Jurachari unit was scheduled to stage the demonstration today at Jurachari Upazila headquarters to demand government actions to free one of its members from JSS captivity (Santu group).

About 500 people were expected to attend the demonstration.

But Jokka Bazaar camp commander, Major Shaharier, forced the DYF to cancel the programme.

He called up Maha Ranjan Chakma, president of DYF Jurachari unit, to tell him that: “No rallies and processions are permitted in Jurachari. This is the order from the top. We are trying to rescue Rupendu Chakma.”

The Major threatened him with dire consequences if the order was violated.

Since morning today military patrol has been increased in the area. But so far the army has failed to make any concrete step to free Rupendu Chakma, who was kidnapped by armed militants belonging to Santu group on 12 February from his home in the village of Chowmuhoni
under Banjogichara Union.

The armed gang is reportedly staying in a jungle not far from the patrol area of the army.
Source :

HWF Jurachari unit committee formed

AN 11-member committee for Jurachari Upazila unit of the Hill Women’s Federation was formed at a conference held at Jurachari Sadar on 14 February.

Asha Chakma was elected convener, while Happy Chakma and Kalpana Chakma were made joint convener and member secretary respectively.

UPDF representative Bikalpa Chakma, DYF leader Nangu Chakma, HWF Rangamati unit convener Juthika Chakma and its member secretary Sadhana Chakma were also present at the conference.
Source :

Santu Larma circumvents Naniachar Upazila chairman’s press conference

THE Jana Samhati Samiti (Santu group) president, Santu Larma yesterday foiled a press conference organised by elected public representatives including Naniachar Upazila chairman Priti Moy Chakma.

The press conference was organised at the office of the Jumma Logging Business Association at Kalyanpur, Rangamati town and was to highlight the military repression and land grabbing in Naniachar.

It was ready to go at 11am when members of the Santu group surrounded the venue, threatened the journalists and then picked up the organisers, namely Naniachar Upazila chairman Priti Moy Chakma, vice chairman Kumentu Chakma, Naniachar headman Mridul Kanti Chakma, Naniachar Union Council chairman Panchanon Chakma, Burighat Union Council chairman Pronoti Bikash Chakma, Ghilachari Union Council chairman Mithu Chakma and Sabekhyong Union Council chairman Ramani Ranjan Chakma.

They were taken to Santu Larma, who pressured them not to hold the press conference.

One of the organisers told that Santu Larma had said that no press conference, human chain or demonstration would be permitted.

“Santu also took a swipe at UPDF and said ‘either UPDF will exist or I will exist. The war shall continue’.” (In Chakma: Hoi UPDF thebo, noi mui thaim. Juddo chulibo” he added.

The text of the press conference, which the organisers were scheduled to read out to the journalists, contained a four-point demands.

These are inquiry into the death of Hamidur Rahman and bring those responsible to justice, removal of the red flags around the ‘fringe’ lands of the Jumma people and providing opportunity to the Jummas to till their own lands, taking punitive actions against those who are
trying to create communal unrest by using the death of Hamidur Rahman,
and launching development activities in Naniachar Upazila.

The organisers were also scheduled to submit a memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner of Rangamati highlighting the same demands.

Hamidur Rahman, a fisherman from Naniachar, died in mysterious circumstances. His dead body was found floating on Kaptai lake waters (Chawkuribil) on 4 February.

The settlers held the Jummas responsible for his death and tried to
fan communal tensions in the area.

They also filed a murder case against many Jummas including UPDF members.

A few days later, the settlers from Burighat made an attempt to occupy Jumma people’s lands at Gobindabil.

On 10 February, they put up red flags around the ‘fringe lands’ of the Jumma villagers indicating that those have been taken over.

Bazaar boycott
The Jummas have begun boycotting Naniachar bazaar from today to press their demand for the withdrawal of the false case filed in connection with the death of Hamidur Rahman.
Source :

Laxmichari zone commander criticized for patronizing Borkha terrorists

LAXMICHARI zone commander, Lt. Col. Salah Uddin Al-murad, has been severely criticized for patronizing the Borkha party terrorists.

The commander yesterday went to Barmachari bazaar and held a meeting with the local people. He was accompanied by seven Borkha party terrorists, Khiram camp commander Major Muhit and a few public representatives.

Yesterday, Tuesday, was market day, and the commander forced the people to attend his meeting.

Earlier, he had tried to hold the meeting the previous Tuesday but the people boycotted him.

Some women participants at the meeting severely criticized the army, Lt. Col. Salah Uddhin Al-masud in particular, for patronizing the Borkha party terrorists.

When Salah Uddhin urged the gathering to help him nab sthe terrorists, a woman stood up and said: “The terrorists are accompanying you. Why don’t you arrest them?”

They also asked: “Why do you provide support to the terrorists? Don’t you know that these Borkhas are extortionists, criminals and rapists?”

They also criticized the army for sticking its nose in the UPDF – JSS conflict.

The commander failed to answer any of the questions posed by the Jumma women.

Seven Borkha party terrorists accompanied the commander. Five of them have been identified as Ashok Chakma (Guichari, Laxmichari), Bishuk, Onukko (Boroitali), Raju (Laxmichari sadar), and Bilash.

The Borkha party terrorists enjoy support from both the army and the Jana Samhati Samiti (Santu group).

They stay close to the army camps and collect tolls from businessmen.

A reliable source said the army is now trying to set up a camp at Barmachari market place to provide security to the Borkha party terrorists.

At present the terrorists do not stay in Barmachari owing to the fear of public reprisals.

“I hate the army because it is trying to create a situation where Jummas will engage in killing and harming each other. This is the only reason why they army is promoting the Borkha Party and pitting them against the UPDF.” Ms Sandya Rani Chakma from Barmachari Mukh Para

“Previously, the Borkhas were confined to Laxmichari bazaar area. Now the army has brought them to Khiram where they stay close to an army camp.” a UP member told on condition of anonymity.

“Before setting up their own camp the Borkhas lived a few days inside Khiram army camp.” he added.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mikel Chakma’s arrest was a plot: claims DYF

The arrest of Mikel Chakma by RAB personnel on 8 February from Chittagong was a plot to malign the image of the Democratic Youth Forum, DYF leaders claim. (paper clipping attached)

At a press conference held at Chittagng Press Club yesterday (13 February) Ziko Marma, president of DYF Chittagong Metropolitan City unit, demanded his immediate and unconditional release from jail.

Narrating the incident of Mikel Chakma’s arrest, he said Mikel Chakma, member secretary of DYF central committee, went to Banik Para of Sagarika road at Akankar to attend a meeting when he was arrested.

“At one stage JSS members Barun Kumar Chakma, Proti Jibon Chakma, Nirmal Chakma alias Tugulukya and Jogot Joti Chakma entered the house where Mikel Chakma was holding the meeting and looked for him.

“One of the JSS thugs was wielding an LG (light gun) while the othersm were armed with sticks.

“The miscreants asked who, among those present at the meeting, Mikel Chakma was as none of them knew him personally.

“At one stage Mikel Chakma introduced himself and asked the JSS thugs to explain the reason for their unruly behaviour.

“They hurled some extremely abusive language at Mikel and refused to hear him.

“At that point, JSS men Joy and Ujwal Chakma appeared with sticks in hands. They were soon followed by five RAB members. Another JSS thug Shanta Kumar Chakma accompanied RAB. He covered his face with a piece of cloth.

“A few seconds later more RAB personnel in 4 – 5 vehicles came and surrounded the whole area.

“When the house was being searched Mikel Chakma went to a toilet to relief himself.

“As he was coming back after toilet was done, the RAB members held him back.

“In the meantime, JSS thugs put two LGs and some packets of Yaba (drugs) into his bag.”

Before the arrest, the masked man, Shanta Kumar Chakma, fingered Mikel Chakma to the RAB.

“This was how Mikel Chakma was arrested” Ziko said unraveling the plot.

Mikel Chakma was kept under RAB custody at Potenga for one day and night and was handed over to Pahartoli police station at midnight on 9 February.

Ziko Marma also demanded that the false case filed against Mikel Chakma be lifted, the JSS thugs who plotted his arrest be arrested and repression on UPDF and its front organisations be stopped.

The press conference was also attended, among others, by Supreme Chakma, Bakul Kanti Chakma, Thomus Chakma and Bijoy Chakma.
Source :

Sunday, February 13, 2011

DYF leader kidnapped in Jurachari

A leader of the Democratic Youth Forum has been abducted by an armed gang belonging to Jana Samhati Samiti (Santu) in Jurachari under Rangamati district.

Sources said a group of armed men led by Promesh Chakma, a Santu Larma loyalist, kidnapped Rupendu Chakma, 38, from Banajogichara village at about 9:45pm last night (12 February).

Rupendu Chakma is organising secretary of the DYF Jurachari unit. His father Devraj Chakma said he was kidnapped at gun point from home.

“Rupendu was having dinner when the armed men came.” he added.

Intra-Jumma conflict has increased in the last few months as the army is now openly backing the armed gangs of the Santu Larma loyalists.

In 2006, both UPDF and JSS reached some kind of compromise, with both sides agreeing to stop attacking each other.

But Santu Larma’s party violated the terms of the deal with renewed armed attacks on UPDF.

PCP holds right to mother tongue rallies across CHT

THE Hill Students Council (PCP) has held rallies across the Chittagong
Hill Tracts
demanding the right to education up to primary level in
ethnic nationalities’ own languages, defying ban on rallies and amid
disruption by the army and police, a PCP press release signed by
Shimul Chakma says.

In Naniachar, the local administration imposed section 144 prohibiting
gathering of people while a huge contingent of army personnel was
deployed at various locations.

The PCP held a rally at an open ground near Modhupur bazaar in
Khagrachari town at 12 noon with Sujel Chakma, president of PCP
Khagrachari Sadar Thana unit, in the chair. (Photo attached)

When the PCP activists tried to bring out a procession after the
rally, the police intervened and refused to allow it to happen.

At 11am the PCP activists took out a procession from Panchari college
ground. When it reached Panchari bus station, the police intercepted.

The PCP members then returned to College gate and held a rally in
front of Buddha Mondir.

In Dighinala the PCP held a rally at Bharadhaj Muni Memorial ground at
Babupara with local PCP leader Jibon Chakma in the chair.

There have been no reports of police disruptions from there. The rally
was peaceful.

In Mahalchari, south of Khagrachari town, the police refused to allow
the PCP to hold its rally at Babupara.

They dismantled the stage prepared for the rally.

Later, at 12 noon the PCP shifted the venue to Maischari bazaar and
held the rally there.

The police dispersed a procession by PCP members when it reached
Guimara High School.

PCP president Aongay Marma led the procession.

Later, the PCP held a rally at Rameshu bazaar.

A rally was scheduled to be held at Manikchari college ground.
However, the local administration refused to allow the PCP to hold the
rally there.

The venue was then shifted to Hatimura bazaar. Again, the police tried
to cause disruptions, and the PCP had to cut short its programme.

The brief rally was addressed by Apruchi Marma, president of PCP
Khagrachari district unit.

No disruptive activities have been reported from Kudukchari in
Rangamati district. The PCP held its rally at Kudukchari bazaar at
11:15am. This was followed by a procession.

Over 200 students took part in the rally.

Military as well as paramilitary VDP personnel were deployed at
different locations including Patachari, Noadam, Boradam,
Khullyangpara, Phiringi Para, Maischari, T & T and College area, while
the local administration clamped section 144 prohibiting assembly of
five or more persons.

The army also closed all roads leading to T& T, the venue of the PCP rally.

Despite that, the PCP held a rally at T & T ground at 1pm.

Presided over by Prantor Chakma, vice president of PCP Naniachar unit,
the rally was also addressed by Ripon Chakma and Bipasha Chakma.

They condemned the role of the army and local administration in
disrupting their peaceful rally.

In Kaokhali the PCP took out a procession from Kochukhali at 11am.
Later, it held a rally at Kochukhali school ground with Shukrosen
Chakma in the chair.

The rally was also addressed, among others, by Thuikoching Marma,
Bablu Chakma, Chikan Chakma and Uthoaiching Marma.

Next programmes
The PCP will hold rallies at district headquarters on 18 February and
enforce class boycotts in schools and colleges on 20 February to press
home its five-point charter of demands.

The demands are right to education up to primary level in ethnic
nationalities’ own languages, deletion of any derogatory statements
from text books, inclusion in school and college syllabuses of books
on political history of the CHT, inclusion in national curricula of an
introductory book in which a brief but accurate information is to be
laid out about all the ethnic nationalities of Bangladesh and
revocation of Parbattyo quota and introduction of Pahari quota.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Jumma girl raped in Nakyongchari

A Jumma girl has been raped in Nakyongchari under Bandarban district, reports


Withholding the name of the victim, the online news agency said the 22-year old Tripura woman from Shilajhiri village under Dochari Union was raped yesterday morning when she went to a nearby jungle to gather firewood.

She was raped by Dildar and Rajon, two Bengali settlers who went to the same jungle along with three other woodcutters.

They tried to hack her to death after raping her.

The villagers rescued her in critical condition after a child reported the incident to them.

However, the settlers were able to run away.

The victim was admitted to a local health complex.

The news agency quoted Monu Headman of Nakyongchari as saying that the victim’s family was preparing to register a case with the police.

Settlers’ attempt at occupying fringe land in Naniachar

BENGALI settlers are reportedly making attempts to occupy hundreds of acres of cultivable land belonging to Jumma people in Naniachar under Rangamati district.

Sources said hundreds of Bengali settlers from Islampur had been planting paddy on “fringe” lands belonging to Jumma people in Gobindabil since morning today.

Fringe lands are those categories of lands which reappear when the Kaptai lake water recedes.

The settlers’ attempt comes two days after the military launched a massive operation in Naniachar and Kudukchari areas.

The operation, during which at least two innocent villagers were arrested, is believed to have been designed to instill a sense of fear among the Jumma people.

The United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF) has condemned the settlers’ attempt to grab Jumma people’s land and urged the authorities concerned to take effective measures to safeguard the legal rights of the Jumma villagers to the land in question.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Two Jumma villagers arrested in Naniachar

TWO innocent Jumma villagers have been arrested during a military operation in Naniachar under Rangamati district.

Sources said a group of army personnel from Burighat camp under Naniachar zone raided the village of Sapmara today.

The soldiers encamped at Sapmara Primary school and searched the area.

They arrested Rajeeb Kanti Chakma, 26, son of Surjo Mohan Chakma and Batya Chakma, 28, son of Ol Chakma – both from Langelpara village.
They were on their way to Naniachar bazaar.

The army beat them up and then took them to their camp. They have not been released till the filing of this report at 7:30pm.

The military also carried out raids in Khullyangpara and T&T area.

At 9am, the soldiers raided a tea shop belonging to Iswarchandra Chakma (son of Chandra Sukh Chakma) at Khullyangpara and harassed him.

They tried to find pretexts to arrest him and another Jumma named
Manek Lal Chakma alias Mereya.

The soldiers then ordered them to report to the army if the UPDF members come to the tea shop, saying: “UPDF members must not be allowed to gossip at the shop.”

The army men also took the mobile numbers of Ishwar Chandra Chakma and some other Jummas present at the shop.

Jumma orgs protest arrest of Mikel Chakma

Jumma organisations have staged demonstrations in Khagrachari town as well as many other Upazila townships to protest the arrest of Mikel Chakma, member secretary of Democratic Youth Forum.

Mr Chakma was arrested by Rapid Action Battalion yesterday in Chittagong.

While the Hill Students Council, Hill Women’s Federation and Democratic Youth Forum tried to bring out a protest procession from Swanirbhor Bazaar today, the police blocked them.

The protesters then held a brief rally there.

The rally was addressed by Kyhlaching Marma, Rina Dewan and Shimon Chakma.

The speakers condemned the arrest of Mikel Chakma and termed the RAB version of the arrest as misleading and a heap of lies.

They said nothing incriminating was found from his possession let alone any firearms or drugs while he was arrested.

“Mikel Chakma was there to work towards making the April 1 DYF council a success.” they added.

The leaders of the three UPDF-affiliated organisations demanded the immediate and unconditional release of Mikel Chakma and an end to repression of UPDF and its front organisations.

Similar protests were also held in Panchari, Dighinala, Mahalchari and Kaokhali Upazilas.

Press release by Bipul Chakma, office secretary, PCP Khagrachari district unit.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DYF leader Mikel Chakma arrested

Mikel Chakma, member secretary of the Democratic Youth Forum, a front organisation of the United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF), was arrested by RAB – 7 yesterday (Tuesday) in Chittagong.

He was holding a meeting with DYF supporters at a house at Banikpara of Sagarika road in Pahartali at 6pm when members of the Rapid Action Battalion, led by Major Abdus Samad, commander of RAB - Chittagong Unit, arrested him.

Two members of the Jana Samhati Samiti (Santu group) Kanon Chakma and Raju Chakma helped the RAB to arrest him.

The RAB put a pipe gun in his hand after arrest.

DYF convenor Mithun Chakma condemned the arrest and said, “The claim that RAB has recovered arms and Yaba (drugs) from Mikel Chakma is absolutely false; there is not an iota of truth in it.”

He demanded that Mikel Chakma be released immediately and unconditionally.

The arrest of Mikel Chakma represented his fourth arrest. He was first arrested in 2003 from a house in Bandar area of Chittagong.

He was again arrested from a community centre in Chittagong along with many other UPDF members in 2004 and spent a few days in police

His third arrest came during the rule of emergency in 2007. This time he was arrested by army from Longudu in Rangamati district while he was on a visit to his village. He was badly tortured and sent to jail.

The DYF will stage demonstrations throughout the CHT in protest against his arrest.

Mikel Chakma has played an important role in reorganising DYF in Chittagong after the end of emergency rule.

He actively helped in organising conferences of DYF Chittagong Metropolitan City unit and Bandar Thana Unit.

He also maintained regular contacts with media persons on behalf of the UPDF.