THREE Jumma villagers have been arrested by army in Khiram, a Bengali populated area bordering Bormachari of the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
Sources said Ashutosh Talukder, 44, a teacher of Bormachari Junior High School, Potindra Chakma, 45, son of Sadhanya Chakma of village Guichari and Priya Lal Chakma, 32, son of Kamala Kanta Chakma of village Bodyopara were on their way to Nanupur bazaar in Fatikchari
when a group of Bengali youths caught and beat them at Khiram Chowmuhoni today at 10am.
At one stage, the Borkha terrorists, who stay at Anirban club of the army at Khiram bazaar, put two light guns (LG) in their hands and then handed them over to Khiram army camp.
The army was reportedly beating them further at the camp, sources said.
The beating and handing over of the three innocent Jummas may be in reprisal for the mass beating of two members of the Borkha Party at Bormachari bazaar a few days ago, a resident of Bormachari commented.
Ashutosh and Potindra were going to Nanupur to buy iron rods and cement for the construction of a culvert, while Priya Lal, an employee of an NGO named Muktipada, was on personal business.
Pradipan Khisha, chief organiser of the United People’s Democratic Front (UPDF), in a statement has condemned the torture and arrest of the three Jummas and demanded that they be released and the army-backed Borkha terrorists arrested.
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