Saturday, January 1, 2011

UPDF marks 12th founding anniversary as army tries to foil it

THE United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF) marked its 12th founding anniversary across the Chittagong Hill Tracts today as the government and military tried to foil its programmes.

The UPDF has vowed to strengthen its struggle for full autonomy.

The anniversary programmes included hoisting party flag, discussion meeting, view-exchange meeting with elders, boat rally and children rally.

Order to abstain from programmes
The Rangamati district administration imposed restrictions on holding of any public meetings in the district.

In a letter addressed to Sona Moni Chakma, a local UPDF leader of Rangamati, the district administration said it had “learnt through a report submitted to it by law enforcement agencies that there was a possibility of a bloody conflict among the rival parties” if the proposed programmes of the UPDF were allowed to be held.

It ordered the UPDF to abstain from all the programmes undertaken by the party. The letter was signed by Md. Moniruzzaman, Assistant Commissioner, on behalf of Rangamati district magistrate. (Memo No. Dated 25 December 2010).

Although the letter was signed on 25 December, it was delivered to the UPDF office at Kudukchari in the morning today.

Army disrupts programme
Huge contingents of soldiers were deployed at various points in Manikchari, Kudukchari, Naniachar, Jurachari in Rangamati district to disrupt the UPDF programmes.

In Manikchari and Kudukchari, the army stopped participants at different spots and searched their bodies. They refused to allow the UPDF activists and their supporters to assemble at Manikchari and Kudukchari bazaar.

In Jurachari, the army prevented people from attending a discussion meeting in Subholing and arrested Maha Ranjan Chakma, president of Democratic Youth Forum Jurachari unit.

In Burighat of Naniachar, the soldiers stopped a boat procession at Komtoli and prevented it from proceeding towards Naniachar. They also refused to allow the party flags to be hoisted.

In Rajstali, the army personnel brought down the UPDF flags hoisted atop its party office and snatched away a banner, while they threatened people not to hold any programme to mark the 12th founding anniversary of the party in Baghaihat.

Such disruptive activities of the army have also been reported from many other places including Matiranga in Khagrachari.

To mark the day the UPDF Khagrachari district unit took up various programmes which included hoisting party flag, playing revolutionary music, placing wreaths at a makeshift monument and a children rally.

About 300 children took part in a jeep rally, which paraded through Khabangpujjya, Shapla Chatwar, Chengi Squar and Mahajonpara before ending at Perachari High School.

The jubilant children waved UPDF flags and chanted slogans.

UPDF organized a boat procession in Naniachar. Over 2,000 people in about 300 boats participated in it.

A floating boat rally was held at Maachbil, south of Naniachar bazaar, at the end of the procession.

A new office building of the UPDF was launched at Subholong today as a part of programmes marking the 12th founding anniversary of the party. UPDF held a discussion meeting at its new office building on the occasion.

Chaired by Nihar Bindu Chakma, the discussion was also attended by ex-college principal Md. Hossain Khan, joint convenor, Chittagong chapter of the Anti-imperialist and Anti-fascist Democratic Committee.

It was also addressed, among others, by UPDF leader Animesh Chakma, Jatio Mukti Council leader Amir Abbas, novelist Ahmed Jasim, HWF leader Konika Dewan, Subolong UP chairman Bihari Ranjan Chakma, Jurachari Sadar UP chairman Shyamol Kanti Chakma and Dumdumya UP chairman Razia Chakma.

Hossain Khan said Santu Larma had failed to achieve the demands of the Jumma people. “Now it is time for all the Jumma people to rally behind the UPDF.” he added.

UPDF Rangamati unit was scheduled to inaugurate a new office at Manikchari and hold a discussion meeting there.

However, the programme had to be cancelled as the local administration imposed restrictions on holding any such programmes.

Large number of army soldiers had been deployed at various points in Manikchari and Kuduchari since early in the morning.

UPDF tried to hold a rally at Kudukchari bazaar but the army prevented them.

After a long and heated exchange of words with the army, UPDF was able to hold a brief rally at Half-bazaar near Kudukchari bazaar after midday.

The rally was addressed by Jatio Mukti Council leader Bhulon Bhowmik, Biki Majumder and Riko Chakma.

A discussion meeting, marking the 12th founding anniversary of the UPDF, was held at Gangaram Doar. Chaired by Gyanendu Chakma, convenor of Sajek Land Protection Committee, it was addressed, among others, by UPDF leader Natun Kumar Chakma, Kanchan Chakma, Akash Chakma, Nimesh Chakma, Ompika Chakma and Binoy Chakma.

The Bandarban unit of the UPDF held a discussion meeting and a procession at Balaghata to mark the day.

Chaired by Choton Tanchangya, organiser of UPDF Bandarban unit, the meeting was addressed by Jatio Mukti Council leader Biddut Bhowmic, Bangladesh Chattra Federation leader Mohammad Zunaied, DYF leader Eshi Mong Marma, PCP leader Pruching Thoai Marma, Antor Marma and Rupon Marma.

The meeting was followed by a colourful procession which paraded Balaghata bazaar.

Discussion meetings were also held in Longudu, Rajstali, Belaichari, Kaokhali, Ghagra, Betbunia, Ullo Primary School, Matiranga,Laxmichari, Panchari, Dighinala, Marishya, Mahalchari, Dhaka and Chittagong.

Poster and festoon
On the night of 25 December, the UPDF put up posters, hoisted its flags and hung festoons at different places in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

The festoons contained various slogans of the party.

UPDF condemns government action
The UPDF president Prasit Khisha in a statement condemned the government for its disruptive activities.

Terming the government action as “undemocratic and fascist” he said the just struggle of the Jumma people led by UPDF could never be
subdued by taking away the right to freedom of speech and right to peaceful assembly as guaranteed in the constitution.

Mr Prasit said, “The government, like a snake charmer, is playing a game with the Land Commission and CHT Accord Implementation Committee.”

Denouncing the CHT Land Commission Act and its so-called hearing, he said the people would be compelled to build up a greater movement if the government failed to provide recognition to the customary land rights and revoke the illegal land settlements given to the settlers.

UPDF leaflet on the eve of its 12th founding anniversary
The UPDF published a four-page leaflet on the occasion of its 12th founding anniversary. It said: “The present constitution of Bangladesh is flawed. It does not recognize the national minorities of Bangladesh, has accepted ultra Bengali nationalism as a principle and recognized Islam as state religion. Therefore, this constitution is not acceptable to the CHT people.”

The UPDF raised a 12-point demand in the leaflet. These include: recognition of the national minorities in the constitution and declaring the CHT as an autonomous area, putting an end to military operation and withdrawal of the army, restitution of customary land rights, putting a stop to land grabbing and restoration of grabbed lands to their rightful owners, keeping the CHT administration free from military influence, rehabilitation of the settlers outside the CHT, putting an end to sexual assault on Jumma women, withdrawal of illegal restrictions imposed on public meetings and rallies, putting
an end to repression of UPDF members, release of UPDF members and supporters, putting an end to the torture and arrest of innocent people, to raids into villages, to military searches and to intimidation, putting a stop to harassment of monks and withdrawal of undeclared restrictions imposed on the practice of religion etc.

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