Saturday, January 1, 2011

General Imbrahim takes flak over comment on CHT land survey

The chief organiser of the Rangamati district unit of the United Peoples Democratic Front, Shanti Dev Chakma took Major General Sayed Ibrahim (Rd) to task for advocating a cadastral land survey prior to the settlement of land disputes in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

Speaking as chief guest at a discussion meeting organised by Parbatyo Bangali Chattra Parishad, a military-backed outfit of the Bengali settlers, in Rangmati yesterday, the former army commander and chairman of Kalyan Party said land problems in the CHT could not be resolved without a land survey.

In a statement issued to the media today, Shanti Dev Chakma refuted Ibrabim, saying “the demand for land survey was raised with a view to providing legal sanctions to the illegal land grabs by Bengali settlers, who were brought in the CHT during the era of General Ziaur Rhaman and General Hussain Md. Ershad”.

He said land surveys must not be carried out prior to the settlement of land disputes.

He further said settlement of land disputes was not possible if illegal land settlements given to the settlers were not revoked and the grabbed lands were not returned to the actual owners.

“The government or the Land Commission can revoke such settlements by invoking section 6 (c) of the CHT Land Commission Act” he added.

The UPDF leader demanded trial of General Ibrahim for crimes against humanity, and said: “It was during his reign in the CHT that repression of the Jumma people reached its highest pitch, with thousands of them being ejected from their hearts and homes and forced to seek refuge in India.”

Branding Ibrahim as an accomplice of military dictator General Ershad, Shanti said it was because of these people that Bangladesh slid back into chaos and the CHT saw its peace, stability and development stalled.

“Exemplary punishment should be meted out to them so that no one can dare to usurp power in the country and to impose repressive policies in the CHT in future.” he added.

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