Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Two DYF activists arrested in Belaichari

TWO members of the Democratic Youth Forum have been arrested in Belaichari under Rangamati district.

A UPDF press release says a group of 10 – 12 army personnel led by Warrant Officer Muhibul from Digholchari Camp arrested them from UPDF office in Belaichari at 12 noon today.

The army also seized some subscription books issued by Jatio Mukti Council for a national convention to be held in Dhaka on 29 November against repression on national minorities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, and sealed off the UPDF office, the press release added.

The arrested DYF members are Sumon Chakma, 22, son of Shanti Lal Chakma of village Ghilachari under Kangrachari Union and Mong Prue Marma, 21, son of Mong Chilha Marma of village Bangalkaba under the same Union.

DYF convenor Mithun Chakma and chief organiser of UPDF Rangamati district unit, Shanti Dev Chakma in a joint statement condemned the arrest and urged the authorities concerned to release them unconditionally.

They warned that repeated military intervention with democratic rights of the UPDF and its associated organisations would only result in unsavoury consequences.
Source :

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