Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jumma teenager killed after rape

AN 11-year old Jumma girl has been killed reportedly after rape in Boalkhali Union under Dighinala Upazila.

The victim has been identified as Sunika Chakma alias Milacha, a class three student of Kamokyachara Government Primary School. Her father’s name is late Nama Chakma.

Police recovered her lifeless, naked body yesterday morning near Zia Nagor.

Sunika’s mother Kalpana Chakma said, “It was about 8pm on Thursday (12 May). We were sitting at home after taking our meals. At that time Ranga Chand Chakma from our neighbouring village came to our house. He sent my daughter to Shafi’s shop for some cigarettes. When, after a long time, she had not returned, I went out to the shop and asked the Bengalis present there whether they had seen my daughter. They said they had not. Then I went to Happy’s father at his house to enquire about my daughter. He said he had seen her coming back from Shafi’s shop. Then I came back home, thinking she might have been under the influence of ghost’s spell. It never occurred to me that she might be killed in this way.”

She said Tulapara and Zia Nagar are two neighbouring villages. “Ali Azom’s son Md. Kashem of Zia Nagar often teased my daughter. On 14 April, he broke into our house and attempted to rape her. At that time elders from both Jumma and Bengali communities sat together and settled the issue.” she added.

Kalpana Chakma further told that many Bengali youths from Zia Nagar including Kashem, Zakir, Battya Zakir, Jamallya, Shahid and Illyus gambled and drunk either on her courtyard or under the trees nearby almost everyday.

“On the day my daughter was disappeared, Hashem and others had gambled under the three on my courtyard till 7pm.” she added.

She accused Kashem and other Bengali youths of raping and killing her daughter.

“No other people can do it. I didn’t understand that they had this on their mind for so long.” she said.

Empty wine bottles, cigarettes, chocolates, parts of a broken torchlight and the blood stained dress of the girl were found at a place between Kalpana Chakma’s house and the shop. She is believed to have been killed there after being raped repeatedly.

Kalpana Chakma filed a case yesterday with Dighinala police station against Kashem and others in this connection under sections 9(3)/34 of the Women and Child Repression Act 2000.

The Hill Women’s Federation’s Khagrachari district unit President Madri Chakma and General Secretary Mishuk Chakma in a joint statement yesterday condemned the rape and murder of Sunika Chakma and demanded that the culprits be arrested and awarded exemplary punishment.


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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

JPN-UK holds demo in London against Ramgarh attack

THE Jumma People’s Network-UK yesterday staged a peaceful demonstration in front of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London to protest the recent attacks on indigenous Jumma villages in Ramgarh in the Chittagong Hill Tracts region of Bangladesh.

Apart from JPN-UK members, the demonstration was also attended by Ansar Ahmed Ullah, a leader of the Ekattorer Ghatak Dalal Nirmal Committee; Kamal Rajapakse of Sinhala Foundation, Anura Seneviratan, Alan Craig of Christian Peoples Alliance and D Brunetti.

The JPN-UK also handed in a petition addressed to the Foreign Secretary William Hague and a letter from Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD) to an official of the ministry. A copy of the memo was also handed over to Mr. Jack Straw, former Home and Justice Secretary, who was present there.

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UPDF member arrested in Ramgarh

A MEMBER of the United Peoples’ Democratic Front (UPDF) has been arrested in a midnight army raid in the village of Choto Pilak under Hafchari Union in Ramgarh Upazila, UPDF sources say.

The arrested UPDF member, Holusha Thoai Marma alias Amar Master, aged 45, son of Nipru Aung Marma, was sleeping in his father’s house in the village. His own family house is a few miles away in Shonkhola Para, which came under settler attack on 17 April.

Reports say, a group of army personnel from Sindukchari zone raided Choto Pilak village at midnight last night (10 May) and arrested him.

Mr. Marma has no cases filed against him with any police station, nor was there any arrest warrant against him at the time of arrest.

In another incident, a group of army personnel from Laxmichari zone last night raided the village of Wakchari under Hafchari Union and caught two Jummas from a tea shop.

They are Thoai Pru Marma, 35, son of Chui Thoai Marma and Mong Pru Marma, 26. However, they were released hours later after primary interrogation.

The army stayed in the village till morning.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jummas boycott meeting called by army in Ruma

THE Jumma people in Ruma have boycotted a meeting called by army today, sources have said.

Lt. Col. Imtiaz, commander of Ruma zone, called the meeting today, Monday, at 10am at Ruma High School ground.

Mr. Imtiaz was posted to Ruma garrison from Baghaichari zone last year. He was the mastermind behind the 19 – 20 April 2010 Sajek attacks which left 4 innocent Jumma villagers dead and nearly 500 houses burnt.

Today is market day for Ruma bazaar. Hundreds of Jumma people from all corners of the area thronged the market, but none attended the meeting.

The army invited the Jummas to the meeting with loud speakers and set tables and chairs on the school ground.

But as no Jumma attended the meeting, the army called off the meeting and left the venue at 11am.

The army is reportedly set 11 May for the next meeting.

It is not known why the today’s meeting was called, however, knowledgeable sources believe that it might have been a reaction to a ‘Long March’ organized by Ruma people on 3 May in protest against a land acquisition plan of the government to expand Ruma garrison and build a new BGB headquarters in Ruma.

If the acquisition goes as planned, it would displace thousands of Jumma people, mostly people from Mro community, and destroy the natural environment of the area.

The UPDF has hailed the decision of the Ruma people to boycott the meeting, saying this symbolic protest would send a strong signal to the army and the government.

It urged the people to continue the movement until victory is won.


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Another land grab attempt in Ramgarh

THE settlers made another unsuccessful attempt to grab land in Ramgarh under Khagrachari district yesterday.

According to sources, at around 9am, a group of 30 – 40 settlers from Gochchabil and Jamtola went to Wakchari village under Hafchari Union to grab about 10 acres of land belonging to Jumma people.

When they began clearing bushes and shrubs for aurum cultivation, a member of Hafchari Union, Ula Pru Marma, protested, asking them not to take away other people’s lands.

But the settlers paid no heed to him, and claimed that the land belonged to them.

“The settlers said they would cultivate aurum on the land,” a Jumma villager told

He said tension between the two communities increased after that and many Jummas had fled their homes in fear of attacks.

However, at 12pm, the Jumma villagers picked up courage, organized themselves and then repulsed the settlers’ attempt to grab their land.

According to the villagers, some of the settlers involved in the land grab attempt have been identified. They are Md. Momin, Md. Sultan and Md. Shafi from Gochchabil and Md. Shahab Mian, Mondol, Md. Yunus, Md. Sultan, Malek Bhandari, Md. Shahajahan, Md. Karim, Md. Yusuf, Md. Hafizur, Md. Goda Mian and Md. Hakim from Gamtola.


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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Attempt to grab 400 acres of land in Lama

THERE are allegations of a plot to capture government Khas land as well as lands belonging to Tripura community in Phaitong Mouza under Lama Upazila of Bandarban district, according to a report published in Samakal, a Bengali daily, today.

The villagers alleged that Chairman Nuru and Mohammad Shamshu, brother of ex-chairman, were attempting to grab 400 acres of land in the area.

Already, 20 acres of forest belonging to the villagers have been destroyed, the report said.

When the villagers resisted the move, the land grabbers filed a GD (General Diary) with the police.

In 1980, the district administration leased out 120 acres of land in Phaitong Mouza No. 306 to one A. A. Sultan Ahmed for horticulture.

However, the authorities canceled his lease in 1984 – 85 as he failed to use the land within stipulated 3 years time from the date of lease.

No new leases have been contracted in respect of the said piece of land ever since.

Adjacent to the said land are registered and occupancy lands belonging to Tripura and Marma communities of Jaditung Para village.

Mohammad Shamshu, brother of ex chairman Rafiq, and Nuru, chairman of Harbang Union Council, are now trying to capture both ‘Khas’ land and lands belonging to the Jumma villagers.

Noliram Tripura, Karbari of Jaditung Para, said the Tripura and Marma communities have been living in Jaditung Para for 35 years. At present a total of nine Tripura families live in the village. Besides practicing jum cultivation, they have now taken to horticulture.

Asked about the capture of the land the lease of which was canceled, Phaitong Mouza headman Umra Mong said, “There is no more holding (rehabilitation holding) on that land, which means that there is no land for rehabilitation. Some of the lands have been parceled out to the subjects in return for ground rent to do Jum cultivation. And the rest of the land is, as per government rule, still lying `Khas’.”


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Long march against land acquisition in Ruma

THOUSANDS of Jumma people took part in a Long March to demand that the government scrape a plan to acquire 9,585 acres of land for the construction of military facilities in Ruma Upazila of Bandarban district.

The long-marchers traveled 37 kilometers on foot to reach Bandarban town. The Ruma Land Protection Committee organized the Long March, which began at 4am today from Ruma bazaar.

It reached Bandarban district headquarters at 4:30pm.

The marchers then held a protest rally in front of Bandarban Press Club.

Chaired by Lupru Marma, convener of Ruma Land Protection Committee, the rally was also addressed, among others, by Mongcha Ching Marma, Nunglai Pru Mro and Jumlian Bawm.

The speakers alleged that the government is in the process of acquiring 9,560 acres of land in three Mouzas of Galenga, Pantola and Sengum and another 25 acres in Poli Mouza for the purpose of constructing military facilities.

They said if the acquisition process is completed, thousands of Jumma villagers will be thrown out of their lands, resulting in a catastrophe the proportion of which can only be compared with the consequences of the Kaptai dam in 1960s.

Later, the marchers submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister through the Deputy Commissioner.


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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Army search houses in Baghaichari

.THE army has carried out searches in a number of villages under Rupakari Union of Baghaichari Upazila in Rangamati district, reports say.

The incident took place today, Sunday. According to reports, at about 6am a group of 30 – 40 army personnel from Korengatoli camp (14 Bir) conducted operations in the villages of Dohaiya, Maischari and Gobghona under Rupakari Union.

“At first the army surrounded the whole area” said a villager by mobile phone and added: “then at 12 noon the soldiers searched three houses.”

The houses searched belong to Taj Mahal Chakma alias Jungpeda Chakma, 54, son of late Hridoy Ranjan Chakma of Dohaiya village; Dhaneshwar Chakma, 35, son of Ashwini Kanta Chakma of Maischari Dhanpada village and Siddharth Chakma alias Hedara, 70, son of Tamru Dhan Chakma of Gobghona village.

The army turned the houses upside down but found nothing incriminating.

During the search operation, panic-stricken villagers ran away from their houses in fear of arrest.

The soldiers went back to their camp at about 1am. The reason for the searches could not be known.


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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Plot to capture land in Mahalchari !

THE army is alleged to be plotting to capture approximately 25 acres of land belonging to Jumma people in Noapara under Tholipara Mouza in Mahalchari.

Sources said repeated visits to the area by a group of army personnel from Mahalchari zone on Thursday and Friday raised concerns among the Jumma villagers that the army might be eying to grab their lands.

The army was accompanied by a group of settlers during the visits, the sources added.

“We fear that the settlers may come to capture our land anytime.” a villager told on condition of anonymity.

“The army came yesterday along with some Bengali settlers and had had a look at the area.” he said and added, “Today they came twice – at 9am and at 3pm”.

According to him, some 21 Jumma (Marma) families live near the land the settlers are allegedly eying to capture.

These families have been using that land for growing vegetables and for other purposes for the last six decades.

However, in 1985 and 1986, the government made attempts to settle some Bengali settler families on that piece of land. But as the Jummas intensified their protest the attempt ultimately failed.

Since then, the settlers have been claiming the land to be their own, Kala Chand Chowdhury, headman of Tholipara, said.

The Jumma villagers fear that if the settlers make renewed attempts now to capture the land, they would have no other alternatives than to fight back.

“We are driven to the wall; so it is a do or die battle for us.” a Jumma villager said.

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Police bar human chain demanding release of Lenin Chakma

THE police have barred the Democratic Youth Forum from forming a human chain in front of Chittagong Press club demanding the release of its member Lenin Chakma from Santu group captivity.

The human chain was to be held at 4:30pm today but when the participants were about to stand on the pavement the police came and dispersed them.

The police said they would not allow the programme to take place without prior permission from the authorities concerned.

Apart from DYF leaders and activists, Lenin Chakma’s wife Swapna Chakma also came to take part in the human chain, carrying her 2-month old baby with her.

Her other daughter Uttora Chakma, 10, and father-in-law Subash Bashu Chakma also got there, as did her other relatives.

Later, Swapna Chakma posed for photographs, holding a placard bearing the slogan: “Santu, please set my husband free.”

Towards Santu Larma she said: “My husband may have a political view different from that of yours, but he has done no wrong. I want to know why he has been kidnapped. I want you to free him, unharmed.”

She also requested all to be kind enough to tell or write Santu Larma to release her husband. (Santu group email address:,, Postal address: Kalyanpur, Rangamati-4500, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh)

Meanwhile, Democratic Youth Forum Chittagong City Unit president Ziko Marma and General Secretary Thomas Chakma in a statement condemned the police action as undemocratic.

They also urged the government to take effective steps to get Lenin Chakma free. Alleging that a vested interest group within the government was providing support to Santu group to keep the fratricidal conflict alive, the two leaders said, “These people want to see that there is always unrest in the CHT, because it serves as a pretext for their continued presence in the area.”

Lenin Chakma was kidnapped along with his two others by members of Santu group from Rongi Para in Chittagong on 23 April.

The following day, while Kalaye Chakma and Suilapru Khiang were released, he was held hostage.

On 25 April, his wife Swapna Chakma filed a case with Double Mooring police station, but the police are yet to trace him.


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Khagrachari Committee distributes relief in Ramgarh

THE Khagrachari Relief Collection and Distribution Committee distributed relief among the affected people in Ramgarh and Manikchari, after the Deputy Commissioner of Khagracahri gave it permission to go ahead.

Initially, the DC had refused to give it permission to distribute relief in the affected areas and its convoy of jeeps carrying relief materials was stopped on 20 April.

A team of the Committee, led by Binod Bihari Chakma, handed over the relief materials to the victims yesterday, Wednesday.

The relief included husked rice, clothes, household utensils and other daily necessities, and was divided into three parts for victims in three different villages, including the surviving members of the three settlers killed on 17 April.

The relief was received by Gano Pal Chakma in Uttor Shonkhola Para and Udrasayen Marma in Manikchari.

The team also distributed husked rice, clothes and utensils to the surviving members of the three Bengali families at Baro Pilak.

The Relief Committee set out a 9am from Swanirbhor in Khagrachari town. However, despite obtaining permission, the police stopped them at Zero Mile and Jaliapara for one and a half hours and searched the relief materials.

Milon Dewan Monang, Councilor of Khagrachari Municipality, expressed dissatisfaction over the behaviour of the police, terming it unnecessary harassment.


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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jummas boycott peace rally in Ramgarh

THE Jumma people have boycotted a peace rally organized by Khagrachari district administration in an attempt to reconcile between the two communities after a deadly clash that left 4 people dead, scores wounded and one hundred houses burnt.

The rally was held at 1pm today at Baro Pilak of Ramgarh. Deputy Commissioner of Khagrachari Anis-ul-haq Bhuian, Guimara Brigade commander Mahbubul Alam Mollah and Sindukchari zone commander Lt. Col. Quamrul Hassan were among others attended the rally.

However, no Jumma people, except Hafchari Union Council Chairman Chaithoai Marma, army collaborator Kongjori Marma and a handful Jumma Awami Leaguers, took part in it.

The rally was largely boycotted by Jumma people.

One Jumma victims said, “Without guarantee for our safety and security and without recognition of our land rights, it’s useless to participate in such fake peace rallies”.

“You attack us, you burn our houses, and then you show to the world how avatar of peace you are. This sort of hypocrisy should be stopped.” he added.

Another victim said: “Why there is no peace? It’s because there is land grabbing, because our lands are being taken away.”

He asked the authorities to provide compensation for the loss caused by the attack, instead of organizing useless peace marches.

The rally was organized as per a decision taken at a law and order review meeting held on 23 April in Khagrachari.


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DC backtracks on independent relief activities for Ramgarh victims

THE Deputy Commissioner of Khagrachari, Anis-ul-haq Buian, has finally backtracked on the issue of restrictions on independent relief activities for Ramgarh attack victims, after the leaders of different socio-cultural and religious organizations in a statement threatened to launch a movement against that restrictions.

In a letter written to Binod Bihari Chakma, convener of Relief Collection and Distribution Committee, yesterday, 26 April, the DC gave him permission to distribute relief materials among the victims in Ramgarh and Manikchari.

However, the DC attached five conditions to the permission. The conditions are: 1. the relief materials should be distributed with the help and in the presence of the administration, 2. relief materials should be distributed equally among the victims of both the Jumma and Bengali communities, 3. no gathering of too many people during relief distribution, 4. presence of the members of the local police station and the relief distribution committee must be ensured.

The memo No. of the letter is 300.


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JPNK holds protests in South Korea against Ramgarh attack

THE Jumma People’s Network – Korea, an organization of the expatriate and exiled Jummas in South Korea, held a press conference in front of Bangladesh embassy in Seoul in protest against the 17 April communal attack on Jumma people in Ramgarh.

The press conference was held at 10am today. Apart from JPNK members, representatives from Socialist Party of Korea, Buddhist Solidarity For Reform, PNAN, a Christian NGO mainly concerned with refugees, and media persons also attended it.

Members of the JPNK and their supporting Korean organizations showed placards and shouted slogans against continuing human rights violations in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

Ex-president of the Socialist Party of Korea, Mr. Cho Kwang Eun, in his address termed the Ramgarh attack as abhorrent.

When an embassy staff asked the organizers to turn the volume of the speaker low, Mr. Hotaeg Lee, chief of the Refugee PNAN, said “rights of the Jumma people is more important than the noises of the speaker”.

He strongly urged the government of Bangladesh to stop human rights violation in the CHT.

Mr. Sugata Nanda Chakma, Vice President of JPNK, made the opening remarks, while Shanti Jiban Chakma, ex president of JPNK, and Prajna Dwip Chkma, Finance Secretary of JPNK, also addressed the press conference.

JPNK General Secretary Chotto Chakma and its ex General Secretary Ronel Chakma moderated the conference.

At the end of the press conference, which was in all practical purposes a protest demonstration, the JPNK representatives handed a memorandum to the embassy.

In the memo, they urged the government to investigate the Ramgarh incident and bring the culprits to justice, stop attacks on the Jumma people, withdraw the Bangladesh army and the settlers from the CHT, and to grant full autonomy for the CHT.

This report is based on a press release issued by Choto Chakma, General Secretary, Jumma Peoples Network-Korea (JPNK).


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Cultural organization formed in Sajek

A NEW cultural organization styled “Sajek Cultural Team” has been formed in Sajek, with the aim to create consciousness among the people about their fundamental rights through entertainment.

The organization came into being at a meeting yesterday at Nandaram of Sajek in Rangmati district. Sajek witnessed the worst kind of violence in the last few years – including an arson attack on a dozen Jumma villages in February last year.

A 19-member committee was elected to lead the organization, with Nilamoy Chakma as its Director, Binoy Chakma as Assistant Director, Udayan Chakma as General Secretary and Biddut Alo Chakma as Communications Secretary.

The new organization will also work hard to preserve the cultural heritage of the Jumma people, Nilamoy Chakma said.

An advisory committee was also formed for the organization. The advisors are Gyanendu Chakma, Jyoti Lal Karbari, Jotsna Rabi Chakma and Ompika Chakma.


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Ramgarh victims refuse to accept relief from army

THE Ramgarh attack victims have refused to accept relief materials from army, an action considered a slap in its face.

The army has been accused of taking part, along with the Bengali settlers, in the last 17 April communal attack on six Jumma villages in Ramgarh, Guimara and Manikchari under Khagrachari district.

Eight days after the attack, a group of army personnel led by Lt. Col. Qamrul Hassan, commander of Sindukchari zone, went to the affected areas today to distribute relief materials among the Jumma victims.

At first the army went to Remrong Para and sent a message for the victims to come and collect the relief materials.

When none came they went up to Shonkhola Para, the village that became the centre for distribution of relief materials among the victims.

The relief materials of the army included one Lungi (lower garment) for each victim.

The victims refused to accept the relief materials from the army and said: “We will not accept relief from you. Before anything else, guarantee our safety and security first, help build our houses and give our lands back.”

Qamrul assured them that they would build their houses and discuss the matter with the government, and tried to force them to accept the Lungis.

The victims became infuriated and told him bluntly: “You have guns in your hands and we have shoes in our feet. If you go too far, we will beat you with our shoes.”

Later, at 1:30pm, Lt. Col. Qamrul Hassan, the army officer who earned notoriety for making repeated attempts to capture Sadhana Tila in Babuchara during the rule of emergency, and his soldiers went back, leaving the relief materials in the open.


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Different orgs condemn restrictions on independent relief activities for Ramgarh victims

LEADERS of a number of socio-cultural and religious organisations, elected public representatives and individuals have condemned a restriction imposed by Khagrachari district administration on distribution of relief materials to the Ramgarh attack victims by organizations other than the government and its different agencies.

In the statement they alleged that the Khagrachari district administration was refusing to allow relief materials to be taken to the affected areas independently of the administration.

“Our requests for help in distributing relief materials independently in the affected areas have been repeatedly turned down by district administration, the MP, the Minister and by the army brigade. As a consequence, the common people in the affected areas are being forced to live a terrible life in this season of nor’-wester. The relief materials provided so far by the government is not sufficient.” they said.

They called on the government to allow independent relief activities among the affected people, provide adequate compensation to and rehabilitation of the victims and institute an independent judicial inquiry committee and make its findings public.

“Otherwise, we will announce action programmes” it warned.

Issued to the media today, 25 April, the statement was singed, among others, by Ananta Bihari Khisha, a prominent Jumma intellectual and educationist; Prabhakar Chakma, president of Jumma Refugee Welfare Association; Suhsil Tripura, general secretary of Bangladesh Tripura Kalyan Sangshad; Sathoai Pru Marma, general secretary of Bangladesh Marma Unnayan Sangshad; Binod Bihari Chakma, convener of Relief Collection and Distribution Committee; Prof. Modhu Mongol Chakma, former teacher of Khagrachari govt. College; Arjo Mitra Chakma, teacher of Khagrachari Collegiate School; Rabi Shankar Talukder, president of Jumma Contractors Welfare Association; Purna Chandra Chakma, general secretary of Dharmapur Arjo Bana Vihar Management Committee; Nirapad Talukder, Khagrachari Upazila Vice Pesident; Banshari Marma, Khagrachari Upazila Lady Vice President; Mongrey Marma, member, Khagrachari Municipal Council; Sunil Devi Chakma, Golabari UP Chairman; Khetra Mohan Roaza, Vice President of Khagrachari District Headman Association; Ronik Tripura, president, Khagrachari District Karbari Association; Kiran Marma, former member of Khagrachari Municipality; Mongsui Thoai Chowdhury, convener of Bangladesh Marma Okya Parishad; Purushottom Chakma, president of Greater Khabangpujjya Social Development Committee; Milan Dewan Monang, Councilor, Khagrachari Municipality and general secretary of Adibashi Odhikar Sangrakkon Komiti; Chanchu Moni Chakma, president of Shrama Jan Malik-Shramik Kalyan Samiti; Monju Lal Dewan, secretary of sports and culture, Chomok Multi-purpose Welfare Associatoin, and ven. Agra Joti Thero, general secretary of Parbatyo Bhikkhu Sangha, Khagrachari Upazila unit.


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Santu group kidnaps DYF activist in Chittagong

A MEMBER of the Democratic Youth Forum and two others were kidnapped by Santu group from Rongipara of Dewanhat in the port city of Chittagong, a press release said.

They were kidnapped at about 8pm on 23 April while they were in Rongipara to collect relief materials for the 17 April Ramgarh attack victims. A case has been filed with Double Mooring police station in this connection today.

According to a DYF press release issued today, Lenin Chakma and his friends went to Rongipara on 22 April to collect relief materials for Ramgarh attack victims.

There they met Junan Chakma, a member of the Santu group, who told them: “It would be a great trouble for you to go from house to house and collect relief materials. Please leave it to us; we will collect them for you and when we have finished, we will let you know. What you will have to do is to come and take them.”

Junan Chakma hails from Shantipur village in Dighinala and is known to Lenin Chakma, who had shared a room with him earlier. (Of the other kidnappers, Ajoy Chakma is also from Santupur village, while Sumon Chakma’s permanent address is Indrama Chara under Subolong Upazila in Rangamati district. Sumon lives in Purnima Building at Bandar Thana.)

Lenin and his team went back in the belief that his former roommate would not betray him.

The next day, 23 April, Junan and his friend Ajoy Chakma phoned Lenin, telling him that they had finished collecting relief materials in their area and that he could come and take the same.

When Lenin and his two friends – Kaleya Chakma and Suilapru Khiang — went to Rongipara to collect the relief materials, 10 – 12 Santu group men including Junan Chakma, Ajoy Chakma, Sumon Chakma and Indra Moni Chakma seized them.

They took Lenin and his two friends to a house in Free Port area and snatched their mobile phones.

On 24 April, at about 12 noon, the Santu group men freed Kaleya Chakma and Suilapru Khiang, but took Lenin Chakma hostage.

Lenin Chakma’s wife Swapna Chakma filed a case with Double Mooring police station today, and the police have swung into action.

Lenin Chakma works in a factory (Four S Fashion?) at Dewanhat and lives with his family at Mishtri Para. His father’s name is Subash Basu Chakma. Originally, he is from the village of Beauty Ranjan Karbari Para in Betchari under Dighinala Upazila.

Of the other two kidnappees, Kaleya Chakma is an employee of Nevia Sweater Factory at Monsurabad while Suilapru Khiang works in the same factory as Lenin.

DYF Chittagong City unit president Ziko Marma in a statement condemned the kidnapping of Lenin Chakma and his two friends and urged the government to take immediate steps to free him.


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Sunday, April 24, 2011

DC urged to stop land grabbing in Gamaridhala

A WRITTEN complaint has been submitted to the Deputy Commissioner of Khagrachari about fresh land grabbing in Gamaridhala.

Singed by Paban Kishore Chakma and Bagish Chakma, the memo was submitted to the DC during a law and order review meeting yesterday in Khagrachari town.

In the complaint they stated that they have 9.80 acres of land under Gamaridhala Mouza which were registered in the name of their father late Pari Mohan Chakma under two holding numbers. (6.80 acres under holding No. R/14, Khatian No. R/16 and 3 acres under holding No. 26)

They further stated that they have created a fruit garden on the said land. “However, for the last few days Md. Fazar Ali, Rushtam Ali and Muzibar from Gamaridhala cluster village have been making attempts to occupy this piece of land.” they added.

They said the settlers might resort to communal riots if they are resisted.

The complainants appealed to the Deputy Commissioner to take effective steps against the settlers and save their land from encroachment.

Copies of the complaint were also given to Jatindra Lal Tripura MP, journalists and others present at the meeting.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Unofficial relief activity cannot be conducted: DC

THE Deputy Commissioner of Khagrachari, Anisul Haq Bhuian, has refused to allow relief materials to be distributed among Ramgarh attack victims, saying that no unofficial relief activity can be carried out in the area.

Sources said members of the Surjo Shikha Club were scheduled to distribute relief materials among the victims yesterday, but the police prevented them.

Chanchu Moni Chakma said he had a meeting with Khagrachari District Council Chairman, Kujendra Lal Tripura, on 21 April and sought his help in carrying the relief supplies to the victims.

“When Mr. Tripura assured us of his cooperation, we took preparation to move ahead.” he added.

After the police asked the Club not to take the relief goods to the victims, Chanchu Moni Chakma and Monju Lal Dewan called on the Deputy Commissioner yesterday.

The DC told them that no relief material could be taken to the victims without prior permission from both the MP (Jatindra Lal Tripura) and the Minister (Dipankar Talukder). However, he said he would let them know the final reply after two hours (1:00pm).

After two hours, they contacted the DC again who asked them to wait for another two hours.

At 4pm, the DC finally told them that no unofficial relief operation could be conducted and asked them to hand over their relief materials to the district administration.

The DC reiterated the same when Milan Dewan (Monag) of another organisation called on him to ask for his cooperation in the distribution of relief materials to the Ramgarh victims.

On 21 April, Sukriti Jiban Chakma, a Jumma refugee leader, called on Dipankar Talukder, minister of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs, while the later was on a visit to Ramgarh, and raised the issue of relief distribution with him.

The Minister told him that there was no restriction on distribution of relief to the victims by non-government organiations and ordered the DC and SP, who were present there, to provide necessary help in this regard.

Yet, the DC continues to refuse to allow the Jumma organisations to distribute relief among the victims.

“It’s a snub to the Minister.” an NGO executive commented.

“We don’t know why the DC and the whole administration are behaving like this. It’s supremely inhuman not to allow relief to reach the victims who have been left without food and shelter after the attack.” he said.

Source :

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Update news: Arson attack in Ramgarh

AT least one Jumma has been reportedly hacked to death by Bengali settlers in Shonkhola Para village in the presence of the army who were deployed immediately after the breakout of the attack.

The victim has been identified as Remong Marma, 32, (mother’s name Tuichaw Marma).

The fate of another Jumma, Chuicha Aung Marma, could not be known. He was unable to flee the attack and caught by the settlers.

In adjacent Podachara village, the settlers beat up two Marma women. However, their identities could not be known.

Besides, at least seven persons remain missing in this village.

The settlers stopped vehicles at Jaliapara on Chittagong – Khagrachari road and carried out reprisal attacks on Jumma passengers.

One of the Jumma passengers beaten up by settlers has been identified as Joti Ranjan Chakma. He is a government employee and was on his way to Khagrachari from Chittagong.

A Jumma woman named Kalpana Chakma has reportedly taken shelter in a Bengali house after she was forced to get down from a bus.

The settlers also dragged another Jumma and his daughter from a bus at Guimara. The girl is reported to have taken to Ahsania Madrasa. But the father is reportedly missing.

A team of settlers led by Zahedul Alam, a local Awami League leader in Khagrachari, has set out for Ramgarh.

The Jumma members of the Awami League also wanted to be on the team, but their requests have been turned down.

The Jummas fear that the settlers are preparing for more reprisal attacks.

The Jumma organisations have called on the national and international human rights organisations to immediately intervene with the government of Bangladesh to save the Jumma people.
Source :

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Settlers burns Jumma houses in Ramgarh

THE settlers have burnt down at least 30 Jumma houses in Uttor Shonkhola Adam and Reyo Morong Para under Hafchari Union of Ramgarh Upazila in an attempt to capture 50 acres of land belonging to Marma community, reports say.

Sources said a group of about 30 settlers from Baro Pilak in Jaliapara went to Shonkhola Para, cleared jungle and planted banana saplings.

When the Jumma villagers protested, the settlers attacked them, resulting in chase and counter-chase.

Later, more settlers were reinforced and the Jumma houses were burnt down.

The Jummas have fled in to the jungle in the face of the settler attack.

The settlers have already captured half of the land belonging to the Jummas in the area. Now they are trying to capture the remainder.

On 14 April, on the day of Boisabi festival, the settlers made another attempt to capture the same land. They cleared jungle in the said land.

The Jummas duly complained to the authorities including Ramgarh Upazila Nirbahi Officer and Superintendent of Police, Khagrachari, but to no avail.

No action was taken against the settlers.
Source :

JSS clarification raises more questions than answers

AN official press release issued by Jana Samhati Samiti (Santu group) on the seizure of Major Mahabub, an intelligence officer, along with firearms meant for it has raised more questions than it answered.

Posted on the facebook page of one of its supporters(!/home.php?sk=group_150002018385535&view=doc&id=179379422114461),
the press release sought to clarify the allegation that the arms seized from Major Mahabub on 15 April in Baghaichari were meant for Santu group.

The Santu group in its clarification tried in vain to portray the whole incident as an attempted kidnapping.

It said “A group of miscreants led by Sudarshan Chakma, chairman of Baghaichari upazila council and a gang leader of terrorist group of UPDF & reformist group based Babu Para under Baghaichari upazila headquarters tried to kidnap a DGFI officer named Major Mahbub from Baghaichari upazila headquarters under Rangamati district on 15 April 2011 while he (Major Mahbub) along with his family and two bodyguards
was going to Shijok Doar to attend a Bizu invitation. One Abiskar, Chakma invited him on the occasion of Bizu festival to his house at Sijak Daur area under Baghaichari upazila.”

If it were a case of attempted kidnapping, the DGFI officer would have filed a criminal case with the police after his “release”. But he did not.

Furthermore, the JSS press release did not explain how it could have been possible for unarmed “UPDF members” to kidnap Major Mahabub while he was being escorted by two bodyguards armed with two sophisticated weapons (SMGs), and that too from the centre of a sub-district headquarters surrounded by army, BGB and police camps.

On the other hand, UPDF leaders told that they were not involved in the affair at all.

The JSS claim that the DGFI Major was invited by Abiskar Chakma to participate in Bizu (Boisabi) festival is also dubious and only proves a nexus between Santu group and DGFI, the most feared intelligence agency in Bangladesh.

For one thing, the main Bizu or Boisabi festival, when people eat and drink and merry make, ended on 13 April, while Major Mahabub was seized on 15 April.

Secondly, the invitation presupposes a deep and cordial friendship between Major Mahabub, aged approximately 40, and Abiskar Chakma, aged 35.

On inquiry, has found out that Abiskar Chakma’s real name is Manik Chakma, hailing from the village of Kandebochara under Balukhali Union in Rangamati district.

A member of an armed group patronized by Santu Larma, Abiskar Chakma is alleged to have been involved in the shooting death of Chizimoni Chakma, a member of JSS (MN Larma faction), and his two-year old daughter Orki Chakma on 13 April.

His father Jalotkar Chakma is also a former member of the JSS. He surrendered to the government following the CHT accord singed in 1997 and is now a member of Bangladesh police force.

Santu group stands to explain how the friendship developed between Major Mahabub, who probably lives in Dhaka, and Abiskar Chakma in a remote Shizokdoar village.

A friendship between a DGFI officer and a common Jumma villager is quite unusual and unnatural in the context of the CHT – where even good intentioned Bengalis let alone intelligence personnel are looked upon by Jumma people with suspicion – unless there is a hidden agenda between them.

Thirdly, it is unbelievable that anyone, even an intelligence officer, should visit his friend to attend a festival carrying automatic weapons. Neither JSS (Santu faction) nor Major Mahabub has explained on this.

To sum up, the clarification by Santu group fails to extricate itself from the sordid affair involving Major Mahabub. Rather, it proves to be a self-indictment of a deep, unholy nexus between Santu group and the government’s most powerful intelligence agency, the DGFI.
Source :